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get serious是什么意思_怎么读

get serious



1.说正经的 Stop joking.( 别开玩笑。) Get serious.( 说正经的。) Stop putting us on.( 别捉弄人。) ...

2.认真起来 ... right away“ 立即”、 “马上”。 get serious认真起来”。 begin“ 开始”。 ...

3.严肃一点 ... Step 5 Send a message5. 发送信息 Step 6 Get serious6. 严肃一点 Step 1 Just ask1. 直接询问 ...


1.We'd like to see the United States get serious about innovation by investing $16 billion a year in clean energy R&D.我们很高兴的看到美国政府对待创新的认真态度,政府每年在清洁能源的研发上的投入高达1600万美元。

2.How much damage can these termites do, and when does it get serious?这些蛀虫会带来什么样的损害,而这些损害什么时候会变得严重呢?

3."No one is going to get serious about Fannie and Freddie, and what will happen to them, until we solve the current crisis, " he said.“在我们开始着手解决当前危机之前,没有人认真对待房利美和房地美,以及他们将会发生的变化”,他说。

4.When you're ready to get serious, schedule an appointment with your doctor.当你真正准备好戒烟的时候,预约你的医生讨论一下你的戒烟大计。

5.Obama at least seems to realize this fact and has -- albeit tepidly -- challenged a recalcitrant Israel to get serious about peace.奥巴马至少似乎意识到了这一点并已经着手——毋宁说不冷不热地——敲打冥顽不灵的以色列,让以色列更认真对待和平问题。

6.Or a child can be born weak or easy to get serious illness as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.或者作为辐射被他的祖父母所吸收的结果,一个孩子可能很虚弱的生下来或者容易得到严重的疾病。

7.We're supposed to date for a year or two before we get serious, then we get married, and then we have kids.我们应该先谈恋爱一到两年才认真考虑严肃的问题,接着结婚,然后生孩子。

8.He said in a speech in Washington that America had to "get serious" about a secure and affordable energy future.他在华盛顿一次演讲中说美国必须“认真思考”一个安全且可负担的能源未来。

9.You seem like a nice gentleman, but I'm not sure I could ever get serious about a man who has a laxative jingle for his ring tone!你看起来是一个不错的绅士,但是我不能肯定我能对一个手机铃声如此轻松的人严肃对待。

10.It means you want to go out with someone a few times before you decide if you should get serious with that person.也就是说,在你决定是否要与接纳某个重要人物的时候你要抽出些时间多了解一下。