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get results是什么意思_怎么读

get results



1.交出成果  告知有关情况(inform); B、   得出结果get results); C、  安排职责(assign responsibility); D、  说服(persuade).   六、 …

4.获取结果通道总数、VDD供电电压以及单通道参数,然后点击“获取结果Get Results)”,即可获得详细的功耗和电流数据。


1.A man in such a hurry as you are to get results seldom learns quickly.一个人向你这样急于求成是不会有很快进步的。

2.It used to be that the goal in econometric work was to get results that were statistically significant, to reject the null hypothesis.过去,搞经济计量学时,目标往往是争取让获得的结果,在统计上有显著意义,这样就能拒绝零假设。

3.In other words, callers cannot force the authorized code to pass specific parameters to the protected code, or to get results back from it.换句话说,调用方不能强制被授权的代码向受保护的代码传递特定参数,或从受保护的代码中得到返回结果。

4.It matters not what goal you seek, Its secret here reposes: You've got to dig from week to week, To get results or roses.目的是什么并不重要,秘诀终归只有一条:周复一周不怕劳累,才能收获硕果或者玫瑰。

5.The faster you decide to make things better, the faster you get results that make a difference for the rest of your life.你越快的作出决定和采取措施,你就能越快的收获自己的劳动成果,实现人生的华美转变。

6.Their goal was to get results faster by inviting the general public to participate in the study and to conduct much of the research online.他们的目标是,通过邀请公众参与研究,从而更快得到结果,并通过在线方式进行大部分研究。

7.Consider that "compound" exercises will get results faster than those exercises that use only one muscle or one muscle group at a time.“复合型”锻炼比那些每次只用一块肌肉或者一组肌肉的锻炼能更快见效。

8.If you're trying to force the content, you're unlikely to get results.如果你企图强行发表帖子,你可能什么也得不到。

9.By leaving Flash out, the early reviewers are going to get results like Apple's iPad (or better - the XOOM has a bigger battery).如果去掉了Flash,那么最早一批的评测者们将会得到和苹果(Apple)iPad差不多的成绩(可能还会更好,因为XOOM的电池容量更大)。

10.We are frustrated ourselves when trying to get results during this time, but the best we can do is to forewarn .在这段时间里我们也不会试图得到什么结果的,我们能做的就是预先警告一下。