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get set是什么意思_怎么读

get set

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1.预备 german hand ball 德式手球 get set 预备 giant stride standing 大出立 ...

2.预备开始 be dead set on sth. 坚决作某事, 决计做某事 get set 预备开始 set about 开始, 着手 ...

3.准备就绪 get off the ground (指活动、事业等)顺利开始 get set 准备好开始 go well 事情顺利进行 ...

5.属性 ... 局部变量 local variables 3属性 get set ? 可以包含任何语句(甚至没有语句) struct Time ...

6.是预备 ... on your marks 是各就各位 GEt set 是预备 GO 是走,但结合前文就是跑 ...

7.预备好开始 ... get off the ground 顺利开始 get set 预备好开始 get the ball rolling 开始某种活动,开始 ...


1.With the tools and techniques outlined here, though, you should now be ready to get set up and running.使用本文中介绍的工具和技术,您应该可以搭建并运行自己的无线网络。

2.You'll see a table of {Target, Type, Value} triples that determine what elements in the message get set and to what value.您将看到一个三元素表{Target,Type,Value},该表确定了消息中设置了哪些元素以及这些元素的值。

3.Kathy: On this vacation schedule that the team has to get set up, I heard there may be a. change with respect to seniority?凯西:说到此度假时间表,必须先成立工作小组,我听说为了论资排辈可能有变更?

4.A Function, Sub, Get, Set, or Property statement must be alone on a source code line.Function、Sub、Get、Set或Property语句必须在源代码行中单独出现。

5.Here Venus will challenge Saturn, who can get set in his ways, to remember to lighten up, leaving room for love and life to surprise you.土星金星将在这里挑战,谁可以在他的道路设置,记得要减仓,离开爱和生命的惊喜你的房间。

6.When I am going to be speaking at an event, I try to get there early and get set up as quickly as I can.当我需要在一次事件中发表演说的时候,我会提早到达现场,并尽快的做好准备工作。

7.Usability testing lets the design and development teams identify problems before they get "set in concrete. "可用性测试可以让设计师和开发团队在产品成形之前尽早发现问题。

8.Strap yourself in, make sure your schedule is clear until July 12 and get set for a fantastic fiesta of football.做好准备,确保您7月12日之前的日程安排是明确的,同样在这段时间,也可以设置一个精彩的足球节。

9.Get set for a very vibrant social life from now until then!获取设置从现在至明年年初的一个非常活跃的社交生活!

10.These class variables (shown in Listing 1) get set in the class's constructor, as shown in Listing 2.这些类变量(如清单1所示)在类的构造函数中进行设置,如清单2所示。