get sick
美式发音: 英式发音:na.生病
1.生病 from now on 从现在起 get sick 生病 come true 成为现实;实现 ...
2.得病 1. the bank of China 中国银行 2. get sick 得病 1. come on 快点;快来;加油;得啦 ...
3.患病 133. feel weak 感到虚弱 134. get sick 患病 135. have fun cooking 做饭有乐趣 ...
4.生病了 get weak 生病后身体虚弱 get sick 生病了 ...
5.病不起的 ... roller coaster 过山车; get sick 恶心; get seasick 晕船; ...
造句带翻译释义:,生病,得病,患病,生病了1.Early detection, early treatment Needless to say, but before that the most important thing is not to let the fish get sick.早期发现、早期治疗自不必说,但在这之前最重要的是不要让鱼得病。
2.they did not get sick enough to be seriously uncomfortable.现在他们已经不再被烟呛得难受了。
3.Going to a medical clinic wouldbe exposing himself to pathogens on the loose and he would get sick, in his opinion.他认为,去医疗诊所会将自己完全暴露给病菌,就会生病。
4.Health insurance is peace of mind - the last thing you want is to have to worry about money if you are in an accident or get sick.医疗保险是思想的解放-你最不想要的事情,就是当你有意外或者生病的时候,还不得不担心钱(的问题)。
5.Perhaps you can let me know some ways to get over a cold or give me some ideas that I haven't tried yet for the next time I get sick.也许下次我生病时你可以告诉我些方法来摆脱感冒抑或是我还没有尝试过的方法。
6.One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer.而问题之一就是人们因食物而患病之后,往往最简单地疑问也很难甚至不可能回答。
7.I don't think you keep the kitchen clean enough and I'm very worried that this could cause our customers to get sick.我认为你把厨房维持得不够干净,我很担心这会让我们的客人生病。
8.Some of those who have had it for years will have had no idea until they started to get sick.那些感染了多年的人中,有一部分人到他们开始发病才知道感染了病毒。
9.Some people never seem to get sick. What are they doing that the rest of us aren't to keep illness at bay?当我们不能把生病拒之门外时,(超级健康的)他们在做些什么呢?
10.She makes your lunches. She helps you with your homework. If you get sick, she stays with you all night.她使你的午餐她可以帮助你和你的家庭作业如果你生病了,她陪伴在你身边所有的夜晚。