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get sidetracked是什么意思_怎么读

get sidetracked



1.转移目标 GENERIC: 种类的 GET SIDETRACKED: 转移目标 GLOBAL: 全球的 ...

2.走岔路 ... sidetracked updip 上倾侧钻 get sidetracked 走岔路 Completely Sidetracked 完全迷失 ...

3.分心 11. get on someone’s nerves 搅得某人心烦意乱 12. get sidetracked 分心 13. get the air (尤指被女子抛弃) ...


1.But they often get sidetracked trying to solve multiple problems at once.但他们经常把首先解决多重问题放在次要位置。

2.invaluable: Without one, it's far too easy to get sidetracked.其中一项议程是弥足珍贵的:没有一个,这太容易牵制。

3.Focus on basic issues and do not get sidetracked with secondary issues or defending your denomination.主要讨论基本问题,不要转到次要问题,或仅仅捍卫您的教派。

4.Do not be opportunistic and get sidetracked by more money only to lose your true sense direction.不要存在机会主义想法,也不要被金钱诱入歧途而最终迷失了你自己的方向。

5.Do not get sidetracked by the details of what happened.不要被事情的细节转移了注意力。

6.Going off on a redesign will consume all your resources and time, the redesign may get sidetracked or never finished.进行重新设计将耗费大量的资源和时间,并且可能将注意力转入其他没完没了的问题。

7.It is very easy to get sidetracked when one is surfing the web which is why you should stay focused and keep your goals in mind.但这非常容易让在网上找工作的人转移工作目标,这就是你要专注并且坚持自己目标的原因。

8.Warren adds, "stick to your business plan, it will invariably work, it is important not to get sidetracked. "华伦说:“按照你的生意规划去做,一定会有效,不要这山望着那山高是重要的。”

9.Many times important issues can get sidetracked in a meeting, especially when everyone has a different opinion about the topic.往往许多重大问题在会议上容易离题,特别是当每位与会者对问题意见不同时。

10.Large meetings tend to offer too much information at once, and attendees can get sidetracked.大型会议经常是一次性提供太多的信息,参与者可能会跑题。