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get something done是什么意思_怎么读

get something done



1.或 ... have something done, 也可用 get something done, somebody doing something 但不同之处在 …

2.使某件事被做 make it a rule to do something 通常做某事 get something done 使某件事被做 get on well with somebody 与…相处融洽 ...

3.叫某人做某事 81 It seems 好像 122 get something done 叫某人做某事 126 haven’t … so far 目前为止还没有… ...

4.某事被做 C,get somebody to do something 让某人做某事 get something done 某事被做 ...

5.叫别人做某事 ... 23.have difficulty in… 在……方面有困难 22.get something done. 叫别人做某事。 ...


1.If you tell your colleagues or friends that you're going to get something done, it motivates you to see it through to completion.如果你告诉你的同事和朋友你要做某件事,这会促进你顺利的完成你的工作。

2."Rather than trying to revise history afterward, I'm going to make it and get something done. It may not be perfect, " he told Fortune.他告诉《财富》(Fortune)杂志:“我不是想在事后修改历史,而是要创造历史,完成并做一些事情。这可能并不完美。”

3.calling services to get something done in the context of what you're trying to do.按你的方式去调用服务把事情完成。

4.It is important to avoid attempting to gather personal information when customers or prospects are trying to get something done.当客户或者潜在客户正要去做某事的时候,避免在此时收集信息尤为重要。

5."It allowed me to get my feet wet in politics and test out whether I could get something done, " he told The Times two years ago.“这给了我小试牛刀的机会,看看我是否能做点事情。”两年前他跟《时代》杂志这么说。

6."Every administration has thought it could get something done by talking to China, " he said.历届政府都以为与中国对话能够取得一些成果。

7.So if I get something done, like epoxy the hatches of the kayak I'm building, it's a great day.所以,如果我干成了件什么事,如给我自己建造的皮艇舱口刷环氧树脂,我就度过了伟大的一天。

8.The saying, "If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person, " is quite true.有句话非常正确,“如果你想完成某件事,就把它交给一个忙碌的人吧”。

9.If you want to get something done, you've got to take the bit in your teeth and get to work.如果你想做成什么事,就要全力以赴,开始着手去做。

10.I need to get something done, you know what I mean?我得找些事干干,你知道我的意思吧?