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get the impression是什么意思_怎么读

get the impression



1.有印象 ... turn oneself in: 自首 get the impression: 有印象【此处可引申为有某种感觉】 go on: 继续 ...

2.得到印象 ... get the idea of 明白 get the impression 得到印象 get the meaning of 明白意思 ...


1.I get the impression that his support for democracy is now much more conditional than he thought then.我有一种感觉,现在他对民主的支持,有着比以往严苛得多的前提条件。

2.On the surface, one could get the impression that a use case transaction just is a system step.表面上,我们可能会得出用例事务只是一个系统步骤。

3.Please take a step backfrom all of this because I get the impression that this woman has hit you likea tornado.退一步来看整个事情,我感觉这个女人能像龙卷风一样击垮你。

4.I didn't really get the impression that you wanted to see me.我没听出来你有想见我的意思

5.Wandering around this part of Moscow you might get the impression that Russia is not that much different from the West.在莫斯科漫步,你会觉得俄罗斯与西方并没有那么大的差距。

6.If things go especially smoothly for you, you can get the impression that life will be a breeze for you.如果事情对你来说太顺利,你会得出一种印象:生活是一件极其容易的事情。

7.If you listen to Lothar, you will get the impression he had never lost one single match in his career.要是听洛塔尔的,你会以为他在自己的职业生涯中一场比赛都没输过。

8.In that respect one might get the impression that the authorities are not interested in promoting this medium.从这个角度来看,它给人的印象是当局并不对于推广博客这样的媒体感到兴趣。

9.From my contacts with Legislative Council Members, I get the impression that the majority of them share this view.根据我与立法会议员接触所得的印象,大部分议员也认同这种看法。

10.Sometimes we even get the impression that they are only looking for a partner in the South to use as Sherpas.有时候我们甚至有了这样一种印象,即它们只是寻找作为夏尔巴人(搬运工)的发展中国家合作伙伴。