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get stuck in是什么意思_怎么读

get stuck in

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na.1.to start doing something, especially eating a meal or doing some work, with energy and enthusiasm

1.陷入 tower block 高层建筑;公寓大楼;办公大楼 get stuck in 陷入;被困住 front room 起居室,客厅 ...

2.被困在 ... come tointo power 掌权 6. B4M2 1. be get stuck in 被困在 2. use up give out 用完 3. ...

3.陷入了 ... break through 突破;突围;冲出 get stuck in 陷入了;被困在…… creep off …

4.被卡在里面动弹不得 ... 为生活改变你的大脑 Change Your Brain For Life get stuck in 被卡在里面动弹不得 frontal lobe 额叶 ...

5.使劲干 ... get stuck 受骗。 get stuck in [俚语]全神贯注吃饭或工作。 使劲干。 get the OK 得到准许[批准]。 ...

6.全神贯注吃饭或工作 ... get stuck 受骗。 get stuck in [俚语]全神贯注吃饭或工作。 使劲干。 get the OK 得到准许[批准]。 ...

7.铲你没商量 ... Tackling Intensity Modifiers 铲抢微调 Get Stuck In 铲你没商量 Stay On Feet 和谐,和 …

8.开始工作 ... get over 克服;(从病中)恢复过来 get stuck in 开始工作(吃饭) get the best of 胜 …


1.It is very bad to be out in a blizzard, because if you get stuck in the snow no one can hear you and come rescue you.在大风雪天外出很危险,因为你会陷到雪里,而没有人能听见你,过来救你。

2.But he really impressed me right away with how much he wants to get stuck in.但是马上他立即给我留下了深刻的映像,因为他非常的全神贯注。

3.Run your car off the side of the road. Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere (well, man, I've been there).车开朝路边开去,陷在了明沟里,动弹不得。[理所当然地,朋友,我已经在那里]。

4.Do what YOU really, really, really want to do. Do not get stuck in trying to live someone else's dream.做你真正,真正,真正想做的事情。不要为了实现别人的梦而痛苦的活着。

5.Everyone wants to live a life of fulfillment and passion. Sometimes it's easy to get stuck in a rut and a boring life.每个人都想要充实而有激情的生活。但有时很容易陷入常规而枯燥的生活怪圈。

6.That's a scary number, big enough to pose a real risk that the U. S. economy will get stuck in a Japan-type deflationary trap.这是一个可怕的数字,完全可能让美国经历如同日本一样的衰退。

7.Even if you get stuck in a shell hole you and your crew can pull it out. . . very precise.就算是不幸掉进弹坑,炮组也可以把它给拽出来…火炮的射击精度非常高。

8.Grandad Shem, who has a young son of his own, said he is keen to get stuck in and help Tia and Jordan settle into life.虽然Shem自己还有一个儿子,但是他表示他会积极帮助Tia和Jordan适应新的生活。

9.The result was the same: the embryos did not die, and again, during the sensitive period, they seemed to get stuck in a juvenile stage.效果是一样的:胚胎并没有死去,另外,在这个敏感的时期,他们似乎停留在了这个不成熟的阶段。

10.When you are stuck in a bit of fear, when you get stuck in your comfort zone then you are closed up.当你遇到阻碍并觉得有一点害怕,你便走进你的自我保护区并把自己封闭起来。