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get the upper hand是什么意思_怎么读

get the upper hand



1.占上风 get one's hand in 使技能保持熟练 get the upper hand 占上风 hand in glove 关系密切;共谋 ...

2.得势 ... 大势[ general trend of events] 得势[ get the upper hand;be in power] 地势[ topography;relief;terrian] ...

3.占了上风 ... Come to the ront 走到前台,比喻:引人注目,或成为主流 Get the upper hand 占了上风 ...

4.取得上风 ... 4. be all ears 洗耳恭听 5. get the upper hand 取得上风 6. an old hand 老手;熟练的人 ...

5.密集防守得势 ... savvy: 精明的 get the upper hand处于有利地位 choreography: 编排, …


1.Very possibly she knew that if my vanity was once allowed to get the upper hand it would be difficult afterwards to bring it under control.她很可能知道如果我的虚荣心一旦站了上风,那么日后就会像脱缰之马,难以驾驭。

2.Should the demon get the upper hand, the result is an unholy union known as an abomination.一旦恶魔占据了上风,这些法师就会被转化为一种邪恶的生物-憎恶者。

3.Some countries hope North Korea will open up its internet. But if it really did so, other countries would get the upper hand.一些国家希望朝鲜公开它的网络。但是如果真的公开了,其他国家就占了上风。

4.With creative dishes as the shop signature, the dinning room by no mean exclusively relies on "creative cuisine" to get the upper hand.本城打创意菜招牌的餐厅里,这绝不是靠“创意的菜”制胜的一家。

5.People have been at war with germs ever since there have been people, and from time to time the germs sure get the upper hand.人类自从诞生之时开始,就不断与细菌做斗争,而且常常是细菌占了上风。

6.I urge families to talk together and not to allow anxiety to get the upper hand, even though the outlook is grim for many.我号召家庭一起来讨论,不要让焦虑占了上风,即使前景对很多人来说很黯淡。

7.He wanted to get the upper hand by lessening the achievements of his rivals.他想用贬低对手成就的方式来占上风。

8.Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of opportunities compared with others!所以,在相同的条件下,你会比别人得到更多的机会。

9.Mechanism, standardized bird to prevent such a mess most effective way to get the upper hand.机制化、规范化是防止这些乱七八糟鸟人得势最有效的方法。

10.To get the upper hand, to have the upper hand. A position of control or advantage.上风,优势控制或有利的地位。