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get the measure of是什么意思_怎么读

get the measure of


1.I stopped over in Bangkok twice but didn't have long enough to get the measure of the city or put it to much of a shade test.我在曼谷停留了两次,但对要了解这个城市的范围,时间还不够长,我也没有去尝试一下城里的阴凉地方。

2.It took the tennis champion a few games to get the measure of his opponent.那网球冠军打了几局才摸清对手的实力。

3.It took us a while to get the measure of Bordeaux and in fact the second half was much better.有一段时间我们甚至压制住了波尔多,事实上我们在下半场的表现比上半场要出色得多。