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get the floor是什么意思_怎么读

get the floor

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1.取得发言权 Gallop (美)盖洛普民意测验 get the floor 取得发言权 gubernatorial 州长的,地方长官的 ...

2.有发言权 have the floor 有[获得]发言权 get the floor 有[获得]发言权 obtain the floor 有[获得]发言权 ...

3.起立发言 ... get a seat: 就座 get the floor起立发言 get a prize: 获奖 ...


1.If you use a bit of elbow grease you'll get the floor clean.你只要用点劲,就能把地板擦干净。

2.Being so interested in what you have to say that you listen mainly to find an opening to get the floor.对自己要说的太感兴趣以至于你听的主要目的是为了找到一个机会让自己发言。

3.I'll get the floor manager for you, He'd be most glad to help you.我去把楼层经理叫来,他会很乐意帮助您的。

4.Most of us, when we finally get the floor, just blurt it out.对于我们大部分人来说,最后时刻一临场,自己话就冲口而出。