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get the message是什么意思_怎么读

get the message

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v.understand,take the hint,grasp,follow,get it



na.1.to understand what someone is trying to tell you, even if they do not say it directly

1.明白 message board 留言板 get the message [口]领会,明白 send a message 发信息 ...

2.了解人家所说的 ... get the picture clear: 准确地了解情况 get the message了解人家所说的 get to grips with...: 努力对付…… ...

3.领会 message board 留言板 get the message [口]领会,明白 send a message 发信息 ...

4.理解 2. send a message 发信息 3. get the message 明白,理解 metal n. & adj. 金属;钢 …

5.得到信息 (113字) 难点注释: 1)流行 popularity 2 (113字) 难点注释: 1)得到信息 get the mes

6.了解含意或暗示 now that 既然, 由於 get the message 了解含意或暗示 come up 提出 ...


1.The system used to work like a charm. But these days, I churn out leptin like it's going out of style and his brain doesn't get the message.这个系统以前就像魔法那样管用,但是最近这些日子里,尽管我分泌了大量的消瘦素,但它们似乎已经不起作用了,主人的大脑根本没有任何反应。

2.If I send Cindy a dozen roses, do you think she'll get the message that I'm in love with her?假如我送Cindy一打玫瑰花,你想她會了解我愛上了她嗎?

3.We want to get the message out, that it has been divinely decreed that such an occurrence will not be allowed to happen again.我们想把这信息澄清,根据神圣的法典这种境况将不会再次被允许。

4.Despite decades of feminism, women get the message that it still pays to be beautiful, just AS in the days of fairy tales.尽管经过几十年的女权运动,女人得到的信息是美貌仍然是有价值的,就像在神话时代一样。

5.I try to make her understand that I wasn't interested in her , but she didn't get the message.我试图让她知道我对他不感兴趣,但是她怎么也不明白这个意思。

6.I figure if I don't take her calls for a few more days, she'll get the message.我以为只要我这些天不接她电话,她就会领会我的意思。

7.There isn't really much of a difference between any of the responses. A native speaker would use any of them to get the message across.这些选项之间其实没有多大差别,英语为母语的人用其中任何一个都可以把他的意思交待清楚。

8.We had no chickens but the noise of the neighbors' hens screeching and hooting and trespassing was enough for me to get the message.我们家没有养鸡,但是邻居家的母鸡的尖叫,鸣喊以及擅自侵入足以让我明白祖母的话的意思。

9.Stay here. What you didn't get the message? I told Frank and Marty I was out! You tell Wolf for me that he's gonna pay for my repairs.呆在这儿别动。你们没闹明白么?我跟弗兰克和马蒂说过我不干了。你替我转告伍尔夫说他要报销我的修车费。

10.We have got to get the message over to the young that smoking isn't cool.我们要让年轻人认识到抽烟并不是什么很酷的事情。