get the hell out
美式发音: 英式发音:网络释义:给老子滚开
网络释义 leave a place as quickly as you can
1.给老子滚开给老子滚开(Get the Hell Out)
造句带翻译释义:,给老子滚开1.They want you to tell them what they need to know, listen to what they have to say, and get the hell out.他们想让你告诉他们需要知道的,想说他们不得不说的。然后你就可以快速离开了。
2.Pat is screaming at me and says if I don't like it, then I should get the hell out of practice, too.帕特就冲我喊,如果我不喜欢就别训练了,也滚蛋吧。
3.If you don't get the hell out of here straight away, I'll lock you up for disturbing the peace and I'll never let you out.要是你们不马上从这里滚出去,我就以扰乱治安罪把你们关起来,永远不放你们出来。
4.Get the hell out of LA and take your dog-soup restaurants, your liquor stores, and your laundromats with you.带着你们的狗肉汤餐馆、酒馆、和自助洗衣店从洛杉矶滚蛋吧!
5.if i ' m not back in 20 minutes , you get the hell out of here . don ' t look back.要是我不能在20分钟内赶回来,你马上离开这里,不要回头。
6.We've got to get the hell out of here. And soon.我们得赶紧离开这个鬼地方
7."My immediate thought was to get the hell out of there, " he says.“我的立即反应是离开那儿,”他说。
8.Today I decided I needed to get the hell out of my apartment and do some exploring.今天我决定跳出地狱般的小公寓,出去瞧瞧。
9.And the tree man shouted "Now, get the hell out of here with your tree. You damn lousy kids. "然后卖树人大声嚷嚷:“现在,赶紧带着你们的树滚开这里,你们这俩可恶的小兔崽子。”
10.I recommend people to get the hell out of your comfort zone and experience the other side.我建议人们离开安乐窝,去到另一个世界体验一下。