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get the point是什么意思_怎么读

get the point



1.抓住要点 ... depressed: 沮丧的 get the point: 抓住要点 donk: 【拟声词】 ...

2.明白了吗 Don’t you scare me like that? 别再那样吓我了 Get the point? 明白了吗 ...

3.取点 放线,放桩 stake,mark 取点 get the point 量(宽度、长度) measure ...

4.英检初级课程 英文(四) In Company,2nd 英检初级课程 Get the Point 英检初级课程 Fundamentals of English Grammar,Third Edition ...


1.It is pretty easy to get the point that your team needs to put together its strategy for many of your enterprise systems.要理解团队需要整理用于许多企业系统的策略,是一件相当简单的事情。

2.He will quickly get the point if he did not mean to go hard with me, which is a happy ending expected by all.如果对方不是想为难我,应该会马上了解我的用意,这样皆大欢喜的结局是大家都希望的。

3.I don't completely agree with you, but I get the point.我不完全同意你,但是我明白了你的意思。

4.I could go on all day, but you get the point.以此类推,我可以这样说一天,但你知道我的意思了。

5.We get the point, Brad. - It's just embarrassing, you know?我们知道了,布莱德-只是这很尴尬,你知道吗?

6.that perhaps is putting it a little strongly, but you certainly get the point.那也许说的有一点点太强烈了,但是你的确抓住了重点。

7.Brown adds that patients without a corpus callosum often do not get the point of jokes or understand pictures.布朗还补充道,少了胼胝体的病人通常听不懂笑话,或是看不懂图片。

8.Throughout this course, we'll define Timing and Spacing and work through a variety exercises to help get the point across.在整个过程中,我们将定义通过各种时机和间距和工作演习,以帮助获得点跨越。

9.Quite frankly, I've never been asked if IBM could make DB2 slower, or more difficult to use, or less available - well, you get the point.十分坦白地说,从来没人问过我IBM是否可以使DB2更慢一些,或更难于使用,或不那么可用——您应该已经明白了。

10.The actual design of the book's cover is a little more complicated, but we think this will get the point across with minimal muss.这本书封面的设计事实上是有些复杂,但我们觉得只要突出重点就好。