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get the top是什么意思_怎么读

get the top



1.取得前按取得前(Get the Top)旁的箭头,自下拉选项选择您希望网页显示10、20、30、40或50则通知,再按重新整理(Refresh)键以显 …


1.Lester: Well, you've got my support on this. I'll see what I can do to get the top brass to agree.莱司特:嗯,你已得到我的支撑了。我会看看有甚么办法可让高层主管赞成。

2.Gupta was the first to get the top job at a multinational, highly-reputable firm.旗下的花旗银行(Citibank),但顾磊杰是第一个在一家知名跨国公司取得最高职位的人。

3.If the Irish vote yes on 2 October, EU leaders are expected to decide who will get the top job at a summit at the end of October.如果爱尔兰人通过了10月2日的公民投票,欧洲领导人将有望于10月末在峰会上决定谁将获得此职位。

4.Their idea was to index the web and get the top results, using their now famous Page Rank algorithm.他们的想法就是做互联网的索引,使用它们现在著名的PageRank算法获取最好的结果。

5.Get under the keyboard and the DVD player. Get the top of the TV, picture frames and the backs of your chairs.例如键盘dvd,电视机顶部,相框以及椅子的背后等。

6.Mr. Smith: Hey, it really looks nice there. By the time we get the top-piece on, it will just touch the ceiling.放在那儿它看起来真的很漂亮,到我们把最高的树枝挂上去,它就会碰到天花板了。

7.I gather a lot of political infighting go on before he get the top job.我看他一定经历了政治上诸多明争暗斗才获此高位。

8.Get the Top 10 cheapest weekend breaks from an airport close to you.从离您最近的机场得到10大最便宜的周末休息。

9.Now, on some systems, that means that you get the top-level one.现在,在一些系统上这意味着获得了顶级的符号。

10.Did you get the top position you can get in the company?您在公司已经走到了你所能达到的地位吗?