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get through to是什么意思_怎么读

get through to

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网络释义:使理解;打通电话;使明白第三人称单数:gets through to  现在分词:getting through to  过去式:got through to  过去分词:gotten through to  



na.1.to make someone understand what you are trying to say2.to go forward to the next stage of a process, for example a competition, because you have succeeded in the previous stage

1.使理解 get through 到达;办完;通过;花光 get through to 使理解;打通电话 get together again 破镜重圆 ...

2.打通电话 get through 到达;办完;通过;花光 get through to 使理解;打通电话 get together again 破镜重圆 ...

3.使明白 ... promise: 保证 get through to: 使明白 be ashamed of: 为……感到羞耻 ...

4.打通……的电话 ... 11.嫉妒某人/某事 feel jealous of … 22.打通……的电话 get through to … 28.全神贯注于…… be absorbe…

5.弄明白 get through 完成 get through to 弄明白 get together 聚会 32. ...

6.与……通话 ... get down to 开始认真做 get through to 与……通话 go in for 喜欢;从事于 ...

7.使了解 ... 24. account for 占了;说明 25. get through to 使了解;连络上 26. get the better of 打败;胜过 ...


1.Sara tells him she feels that she can get through to Michael, and that she would like to understand more about how his mind works.Sara告诉他,自己感觉可以与Michael交流,她希望更多的了解Michael的思想是如何运作的。

2.Operator, I've been trying to get through to the Front Desk for the last 5 minutes. Their line is always busy.话务员,刚才5分钟我一直给前台挂电话,可总是占线。

3.But miraculously his wife Kimiko managed to get through to him to report that she was stranded at the Imperial Hotel in downtown Tokyo.但是奇迹般的是,他的妻子Kimiko设法与Haruo联系并告知她正被困在位于东京市区内的帝国酒店。

4.I can't seem to get through to you that I love you and I'm not going to leave you!看来我还无法是你相信我爱你,我不会离开你!

5.No-one seemed to be able to get through to him - he is obviously a much more complex character than the happy, smiley image.可是没有人能真正了解他——显然他比他那个洋溢着幸福微笑的形象要复杂得多。

6.An unaccountable SPLM would be perfectly happy to get through to its own referendum in 2011 without elections.一个不用对谁负责的苏丹人民解放运动将非常乐于进入2011年它自己的全民投票而不进行选举。

7.When they get through to the producer, he says it was nothing in particular, just a social call.当电话接通后,这位制作人就会说没有什么特别的事,只是联络一下而已。

8.We thought we could get through to Main St, by going up a side street but there was a sign that said "Not a through street" .我们以为走侧道可到达主街,可道旁一则标志上写着:“此路不通”。

9.If you know it all, God's Word can't get through to you.如果你自以为懂得一切,神的道就无法到达你的心灵。

10.I called all day yesterday, but I couldn't get through (to you).昨天我打了一天电话,但是都没办法联络到你。