get tired
1.疲倦 forworn 极疲倦的 get tired 疲倦 got tired 疲倦 ...
2.累了 get paid 付酬劳 get tired 累了 get used to 习惯于;适应于…… ...
3.感到疲倦 for example 举个例子 get tired 感到疲倦 stay healthy 保持健康 ...
4.感到疲劳 11. a balanced diet 平衡的饮食 12. get tired 感到疲劳 13. stay healthy 保持健康 ...
5.感觉疲惫 get over 恢复;克服(疾病、惊讶、损失等) get tired 感觉疲惫 get to 到达;开始;着手 ...
6.变得疲劳 keep quiet 保持安静 get tired 变得疲劳 look the same 看起来一样 ...
7.变的疲劳 20. be stressed out 紧张 22. get tired 变的疲劳 23. keep healthy 保持健康 ...
8.变得很累 3.take turns to do sth 轮流做某事 4.get tired 变得很累 6.keep fit 保持健康 ...
造句带翻译释义:,疲倦,累了,感到疲倦1.I easily get tired lately, as if I keep on yawning right now. Am I lack of sleep. Nope . Am I too busy? Nope .最近的我真的很累,就像现在拼命地打瞌睡。不够睡吗?也不是。太忙了吗?也不是。
2.When you start to get tired of the busy urban life, (it would be) better to spend a week at the beach.当你开始厌倦都市的繁忙生活,不如到海边去住个一周左右。
3.Maira: Don't you think you're going to get tired of it, Louisa?玛丽亚:你不觉得会厌倦吗,露意莎?
4.Or maybe, if you get tired of something, you could buy some dye, dye it a different color. Or restyle it in some way.或者,如果你对某事疲倦了,你可以购买一些染料,给它染上一种不同的颜色。或以同样的方式重塑它。
5.Sometimes, on these journeys, Wilbur would get tired, and Fern would pick him up and put him in the carriage alongside the doll.有时在散步途中韦伯如果觉得累了,芬就会把他抱起来放在手推车里,让他和洋娃娃坐在一起。
6.Absolutely Beijing! There is no city like the Capital. You can never get tired of Beijing. There is so much history and culture.当然是北京了!没有一个城市比得上首都。你对北京永远也不会厌倦,她拥有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。
7.Not sure of that. . . You know people can get tired of keeping their feelings inside. . . Sometimes they just need to say it out loud.不清楚…你知道,人们憋得太久了,不想隐藏自己的感觉…有的时候,他们需要大声说出来。
8.You will get tired, your technique will deteriorate, and you might as well call it a day.你将会变得疲劳,你的技术将会退步,而你同样也把它称为一天(游泳练习)。
9.If I stared at a 3-D video or picture for more than a few minutes, my eyes would get tired.如果我盯着3D视频或是图片看的时间超过几分钟,我的眼睛就会很累。
10.I'm studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time.我正在学校学习美术,尽管总是看画我会厌倦,但我还是很喜欢。