get to the bottom
1.刨根问底儿 半价 Half price 刨根问底儿 Get to the bottom 因小失大 Try to save a little only to lose a lot ...
造句带翻译释义:,刨根问底儿1.I had to get to the bottom of it if I was going to help Iris and her father.如果我打算帮助艾里斯和她父亲,就得追查到底。
2.The better she got to know China, she said, the less she expected to be able to get to the bottom of anything.她耸了耸肩说道,越是了解中国,就越是不可能看得清楚。
3.Don't state your position before you get to the bottom of the matter.在弄清事情原委之前,不要急于亮相。
4.Make loud gurgling sounds when you get to the bottom as you attempt to drink every last molecule of diet Coke.在你喝完杯中的最后一滴可乐之前,一定要发出咕噜咕噜的声音。
5.No matter if it was a mechanical fault, a management problem, or a manufacturing problem, we must get to the bottom of this.不论是否是机械故障,管理问题,或者是制造问题,我们必须追查到底。
6.Where is all of our money going? Alright, let's get to the bottom of this! How many people actually touched the money?我们的钱都到那儿去了?好吧,我们来追究一下!这笔钱到底有多少人经手过?
7.Jim London is outraged over the death of his friend, a fellow cop and werewolf--and wants to get to the bottom of what he thinks was murder.吉姆伦敦感到愤怒的是他的朋友,同伴和狼人警察死亡-并希望获得的是什么,他认为底部是谋杀。
8.There had always been something about Norman that she hadn't quite been able to get to the bottom of.诺尔曼身上一直有一种东西她总也搞不清楚。
9.We're trying to get to the bottom of this and figure out what happened.我们将彻底调查此事,找出问题的根源。
10.Afterward, the reporter learned that, He Jie's brokerage firm is actively seized of the matter, believe will soon get to the bottom.随后记者了解到,何洁的经纪公司正在积极处理此事,相信很快就会水落石出。