get to know
美式发音: 英式发音:v.逐渐了解
v.become acquainted with,be introduced to,meet
v.1.逐渐了解 start to be familiar with someone or something
1.认识 7. get over 克服,从……恢复过来 8. get to know 认识 9. get to 到达 ...
2.了解 get better 变得更好;康复 get to know 了解;认识 get through 通过;到达;做完;接通电话 ...
3.逐渐了解 get better acquainted with 更好地了解 get to know 逐渐了解 in most cases 在多数情况下 ...
4.开始了解 6.make a sentence 造一个句子 9.get to know… 开始了解 the opposite: 相反 ...
5.结识 结石[ calculus] 结识[ gain;contract friendship;get to know] 结束[ end] ...
6.逐渐认识 Roommate 室友 Get to know 逐渐认识 Hang out 闲逛 ...
7.开始认识 19) 站得离...近 stand close to 20) 开始认识 get to know 21) 还;也 as well ...
8.逐渐认识到 get to 到达(某地) get to know 逐渐认识到 get to work 开始工作(学习) ...
造句带翻译释义:,逐渐了解,认识,开始了解,结识1.Just wait until you get to know him a bit longer, then you might find some things about him that get on your nerves.等你和他相处的时间长一点,你就可能发现他有某些地方是让你难以忍受的。
2.She was able to meet my kids, and get to know them all a little, and I'm happy for that.她还认识了我的孩子们,了解了他们每个人,这让我非常开心。
3.God invites his bride to get to know him, to grow strong and faithful in her relationship with him, to draw closer to him.神邀请祂的新妇多认识祂,加深和忠于与祂的关系,并且更亲近祂。
4."He let me know the world was large, and that I should get to know as much of it as possible, " she said.他让我看到这个世界原来这么大,而我应该尽可能多地去看这个世界。
5.Since the inception of the Practically Groovy series almost a year ago, I've given you several opportunities to get to know closures.几乎从一年前实战Groovy系列开始,我就已经提供了多个让您了解闭包的机会。
6.Give your date a chance to talk. Aren't you trying to get to know one another?让你的约会变成对话,难道你不想更了解对方吗?
7.If you just bought Access 2003, or you've had it for a while and you're ready to get started, check out the course "Get to know Access. "如果您刚购买了Access2003,或已安装了一段时间并准备开始使用,请学习“了解Access”课程。
8.Of course, but we think this is a good opportunity for us to get to know you and for you to ask any.当然,但是我们认为这是让我们了解你的好机会,也是你问问题的好机会。
9.For your million at recent Western, in a more skilful manner, for some of these efforts to get to know dining etiquette, or very worthwhile.为了您在初尝西餐时举止更加娴熟,费些力气熟悉一下这些进餐礼仪,还是非常值得的。
10.This time next year will be a better time to judge them after they've had a bit of time to settle in and get to know each other better.等到明年他们稳定搭配出场,并且彼此知根知底以后,我们就能对这对组合做一个完整的评价了。