get tough with
1.对……采取坚决态度 ... play an important part in 起着重要的作用 get tough with 对……采取坚决态度;对……采取强硬措施 ①at a time …
2.以强硬的方式对付 kind and hospitable 友善好客 get tough with 以强硬的方式对付 chances are slim 机会甚微 ...
3.采取强硬手段对付 human error 人为过失 get tough with 采取强硬手段对付 show signs of improvement 出现好转的迹象 ...
4.严厉打击 ... 26. be ready for 准备好了 27. get tough with 严厉打击 28. aim to do / at 计划;打算 ...
5.强硬对待 ... a tough nut to crack 棘手的问题,难以对付的人 get tough with 强硬对待 get tough with sb 对某人强硬起来 ...
造句带翻译释义:,对……采取坚决态度,以强硬的方式对付,采取强硬手段对付1.The aim is to get tough with China to teach it a lesson, so it will bolster its currency and usher in a greater flow of U.目的即是要对中国强硬并给它“上一课”,使中国升值人民币并引入更多的美国货物。
2.The company decided it had to get tough with its business model.该公司决定,必须对其商业模式做出强硬调整。
3.Professor Farnsworth also has some advice for the president - there may be times when it pays to get tough with your opponents.也有一些教授法恩斯沃思为总统的建议-有可能是值得的时候,让你的对手强硬。
4.Mr Yar'Adua should get tough with the Delta governors to ensure that the money goes to its intended recipients.亚拉杜瓦先生应该对三角洲州长采取强硬措施,从而保证拨款能够到达预计的收款人手中。
5.This is often overlooked in the current debate, where many Democrats want to "get tough" with China on trade.这在当前的辩论中经常被忽视,而且很多民主党人想在贸易方面对中国持“强硬”态度。
6.You can't get tough with a country that owns so much of your debt.中国拥有很多美国国债,美国硬不起来。
7.The equity rally continues, in spite of the knock it sustained when the White House decided to get tough with Detroit.股市反弹继续,虽然当美国政府决定对底特律采取强硬态度时股市一度受到打击。
8.He is under pressure from Congress and a slew of Republican presidential candidates to get tough with Beijing.奥巴马目前面临来自国会和共和党众多总统候选人的压力,他们要求奥巴马对中方采取强硬态度。
9.We could, of course, get tough with the people we already have in prison and keep them locked up for longer periods of time.我们当然可以对在押的人严厉起来,把他们关更长的时间。
10.Banks warn they may get tough with strategic defaulters by pursuing legal claims on a borrower's other assets.银行界警告,它们可能会对策略违约者采取强硬措施,通过法律途径追索他们的其他资产。