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get with it是什么意思_怎么读

get with it

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v.1.<spoken>to become fashionable and responsive to new styles and ideas2.<spoken>used for telling sb. to pay attention, or do what they are expected to do

1.赶上时髦 get with child 使...怀孕。 get with it 赶上时髦。 get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知。 ...

2.留意 push comes to shove 事态严重 get with it 留意(周遭的事物) I'm still in shock. 我还在兴奋. ...

3.振作精神 as ill luck will have it 偏偏不巧 get with it 振作精神 keep at it 坚持下去 ...

4.快点 get wise to 了解;明白 get with it 快点! girl of the old school 守旧的女性 ...

5.适应 无(无)法 unable;incapable 适(适)应(应) suit;adapt;get with it;fit 扮演 have a role;act ...

6.要跟上别人的脚步 ... Get with it.; 要跟上别人的脚步。 You're my inspiration.; 你是我灵感的来源。 ...

7.加紧干 get up to 达到 get with it 注意, 机警; 加紧干 Get on: 进行 ...

8.面对现实吧 ... 20. Get off my back. 别烦我 21. Get with it. 面对现实吧 23. You had it coming. 你自找的; 你是始作俑者 ...


1.Jason: No, that was one whoa , and two whippees, and a whew, like that so, get with it Carl.杰森:不,应该是一个喔两个喂皮,就这些,你可别搞错了,卡尔。

2.Here's a person who can probably accomplish the work, but has no motivation to get with it.有一类人有能力但没有动力去完成任务。

3.You never seem to know what's happening around you. Get with it, Paul. Start reading, start talking to people.你好像从不关心身边的事。要多了解信息呀,保罗。多读点东西,还要多和别人交谈。

4.Easy for you to say. 6. Get with it!你说得倒蛮轻松.6.要赶上别人的步调!

5.Better get with it, you guys. The boss'll have kittens if he comes back and we've not finished.你们这些家伙卖点力气呀。老板回来的时候,如果我们还没有干完,他会发脾气的。

6."School can be fun once you get into it . " "Oh, get with it , " laughed Wade.“一旦你用心投入到学习当中,上学是非常有趣的”“噢,面对现实吧”韦德大笑。

7.Get with it, Harry. Everybody has a cell phone these days. It's almost a commodity.你跟进一点好不好!现在每个人都有一台手机。(手机)都几乎是日常用品喽。

8.If you want to adapt to a new condition, keep going over 21 days, then you will get with it .如果你想要适应一个新环境,持续让自己投入超过21天,你就能够适应了。

9.Don't waste your time. Make it snappy. 10. Get with it!不浪费你的时间,快做事。10.快赶上别人!

10.Get with it, Dad, that kind of razor hasn't been made for years.跟上点潮流吧,老爸,那种剃须刀已经很多年都不生产了。