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get worse

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v.deteriorate,worsen,decline,depreciate,go downhill




1.变坏 5.go well 进展顺利 6.get worse 变坏 7.get better 变好 ...

2.恶化 ... “目前”,用来替代 now,nowadays。 “恶化”,用于替代 get worse。 “争端,冲突”,用来替代 problem…

3.转坏 get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知。 get worse 转坏。 get a bag on [美国俚语]狂饮作乐。 …

4.越来越坏了 get word 得到消息 get worse 越来越坏了 give a birth to a baby 生小孩 ...

5.变得更糟糕 ... 104同样的问题 the same problem 105.变得更糟糕 get worse 106.解决问题 solve the probl…

6.天气恶化 wet 潮湿, get worse 天气恶化, unusual 不同寻常的天气, ...

7.变糟 get wet 湿了 get worse 变糟 give birth to 生,产生,引起 ...


1.In recent years, listed companies use various means to do RPT for a variety of motives, and RPT seems to get worse and worse.近年来上市公司出于各种动机,利用各种手段进行关联交易,而且关联交易呈愈演愈烈之势。

2.My financial situation might get worse with each month for the next two years if the economy do not start.如果经济不复苏的话,在未来两年的每个月内我的财务状况可能会变得越来越糟,直至失去我的工作。

3.Things are going to get worse. With Cameron like a bull in a china shop all that will be left of the country will be broken pieces.事情会变得更糟。卡梅伦像进了瓷器店的公牛,随着他将离开国家将变成碎片。

4.As the winter approached he realized that his hearing was no better, and that it was likely to get worse, and he might end up totally deaf.随着冬天的来临,他发现自己的听觉没有改善,而且有可能恶化,他可能完全变聋。

5.Doctors say they do not know if this unusually early flu season has peaked yet, or if this year's outbreak will get worse.医生说,现在还很难说当前这个早得不同寻常的流感季节是否已经过了高峰期,或者今年的疫情是否会变得更为糟糕。

6."It looks like it's going to get worse to us, but it's going to be a different type of crisis, " she said.她称,“这次对我们来说好像形势更为不妙,但这次也或是一种截然不同的危机。”

7.Doctors soon gave him the had news: he had ALS, it would only get worse, and there was no cure. Hawking was overwhelmed.很快,医生告诉他这个坏消息:他得的是ALS病,而且病情只会越来越糟,却无法治愈。霍金不知所措。

8.Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home.这是非常糟糕的一天,你感到祸不单行事情越来越糟,你开始渴望回家。

9.Although Akamai made it through the day, the company's financial problems were about to get worse.尽管Akamai坚持过了那天,但是公司的财务问题仍在变得更糟。

10.A week ago, Soros said the seizure in global credit markets caused by the subprime collapse will get worse before it gets better.索罗斯在一周之前说,在转机到来之前,次贷危机给全球信贷市场带来的危机还会变得更严重。