get up go
造句带翻译释义:1.I'm just going to get up, go to work, and not think about him all day!好、我现在就起床!去上班!然后不要整天都想着他!
2.I'm going to get up, go to work, and not think about him all day.好啦,我要站起来,去工作了,而且不整天想着他。
3.So take a break: Get up, go for a walk, have a snack, do something completely different to recharge.所以还是休息一下吧:站起来,吃点儿小点心,做点儿和工作完全无关的事情,然后重返战场。
4.But sooner or later, we'll have to get up, go outside, and actually meet people.但迟早,我们将必须站起来,到外面去真正地接见人们。
5.So when you get up, go outside and get some sunlight.因此在你起床后,到外面去晒晒太阳。
6.Get up, go away! For this is not your resting place, because it is defiled, it is ruined, beyond all remedy.你们起来去吧。这不是你们安息之所。因为污秽使人(或作地)毁灭,而且大大毁灭。
7.Get up! Go to work! You are lazybones!周扒皮在大叫:起来!干活去!你们这帮懒汉!
8.Obama to the development of the mother 4: 00 call on him to get up, go to school before he let him learn English correspondence courses.为了奥巴马的发展,母亲早晨4点就唤他起床,在他上学前让他学习英语函授课程。
9.what time get up go to work get to do homework几点,什么时间起床去上班到达做作业
10.kid run ready hurry get up go to the playground go home go to school go to bed小孩跑准备好的赶快起床去操场回家上学上床睡觉