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ghost town

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网络释义:鬼镇;鬼城;幽灵镇复数:ghost towns  


ghost townn.

1.(曾一度繁华的)被废弃城镇a town that used to be busy and have a lot of people living in it, but is now empty


n.1.<figurative>a town with few or no inhabitants, especially one that was formerly a busy prosperous place, e.g. an abandoned mining town in the western US

1.鬼镇 ... 最佳编剧 Writing 《幽灵镇Ghost Town 《生人勿进》 Let the Right On…

4.幽灵小镇 午夜太阳 The Midnight Sun 鬼城历险 Ghost Town 冰下城市 Frost Bite ...

6.废城 In Charm's Way 凯文的心结 Ghost Town 鬼域 Trade-Off 黑吃黑 ...

8.废弃的城镇 447.ghost writer 代笔的人 448.ghost town 废弃的城镇 449.get over 克服 ...


1.The "ghost" town has several residences and barrack-type accommodations, as well as the remains of a few commercial establishments.这座“鬼镇”残存着几处住所和临时木板房,以及一些商业设施。

2.The city's subway system was also experiencing severe delays, leaving normally bustling central London something of a ghost town.城市地铁系统也经历了严重的晚点,使得平时熙熙攘攘的伦敦市中心显得有几分荒芜。

3.At the end of the day, these Pripyat evacuees stand alone among the abandoned buildings of a ghost town.最后,这些普里皮亚季的疏散者孤零零地站在一座鬼城被荒废的建筑物中间。

4.The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported today that floodwaters have turned the center of the Queensland capital into a ghost town.澳大利亚广播公司今天报导称洪水已经将昆士兰州首府中心变为了一座鬼城。

5.Up the street, a sign announcing 'Elegant Homes' sits on a lot choked with weeds. The block is as quiet as an old ghost town.街道那头,标着“高雅住宅”的牌子矗立在一片长满杂草的空地上,整个街区就像一座鬼城般寂静无声。

6.But New Mexico is about to get a brand-new ghost town that could be part of a high-tech, green-energy future.但是新墨西哥州却即将建成一座全新的幽灵之城,这座幽灵城可能会成为我们高科技、绿色能源的未来的一部分。

7.Severed from its West Bank feeder towns, Ramallah and Bethlehem, Arab East Jerusalem at night feels like a ghost-town sunk in neglect.阿拉伯居住的东耶路撒冷在晚上时就像个荒凉的鬼城,因为向它供应货物的拉马拉和伯利恒与它间的联系被切断。

8."Now my office feels like a ghost town, " he said.“现如今,我的办公室真是门可罗雀啊,”他说。

9.A year on, the village's 16 buildings (renamed Millennium Water) form a near-empty ghost town on the waterfront of False Creek.一年之后,拥有16栋建筑(后更名为千禧泉)的奥运村却变成了福溪边上几近无人的鬼镇。

10.In Ghost Town , Gervais plays Bertram Pincus, D. D. S. , a surly man living in New York whose goal in life is to be left alone.在《幽灵小镇》中,热尔维扮演伯特伦·平库斯,一个生活在纽约的坏脾气男人。他的生活目标就是独自生活。