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ghost writer是什么意思_怎么读

ghost writer

美式发音: ['ɡoʊst .raɪtər] 英式发音: ['ɡəʊst .raɪtə(r)]





1.蒲松龄 Ghetto Justice 怒火街头 Ghost Writer 蒲松龄 Glittering Day 东方之珠 ...

2.代笔人 胚胎干细胞 embryonic stem cells 代笔人 ghost writer 纸张癖 paperphilia ...

3.代笔的人 446.gift of gab 有口才 447.ghost writer 代笔的人 448.ghost town 废弃的城镇 ...

4.为人代笔的作家 frogman 潜水员; ghost writer 为人代笔的作家; gate crasher 不速之客,无票者; ...

5.代笔作者 ... marked。Marked 显著的。比如, Ghost writer。Ghost writer 代笔作者,捉刀人。 digital。Digital 数字的,数 …

6.幽灵写手 the / a ghost of a chance 一丝机会 ghost writer 为人代写的作者;影子写手 pale as a ghost 面色苍白、面无人色 ...


1.We feel her pain, even though we suspect she could afford to hire a ghost writer to pen the pages.虽然按照财力她是可以找了一个代笔作家的,但是此刻我们可以感觉到她内心的痛苦。

2.As a ghost writer, he earned a lot of money.他作为代笔人挣了一大笔钱。

3."The Ghost Writer" is more political than many political thrillers.《影子杀手》比许多政治惊悚片更有政治色彩。

4.The Ghost Writer also features Olivia Williams as the ex-prime minister's wife and key political advisor;《影子写手》还以奥利维亚·威廉斯作为主要演员,她扮演前首相夫人和重要的政治顾问;