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1.(传说中的)盗墓食尸鬼(in stories) an evil spirit that opens graves and eats the dead bodies in them

2.对凶残之事兴趣浓厚的人a person who is too interested in unpleasant things such as death and disaster


n.1.an imaginary creature that eats dead people2.someone who is interested in or enjoys unpleasant situations involving death or injury

1.食尸鬼 •人羊( Faun) •食屍鬼Ghoul) •哥布林( Goblin) ...

3.盗尸者 Acolyte/ 侍僧 Ghoul/ 食尸鬼,盗尸者 Crypt Fiend/ 地穴魔 ...

4.盗墓者 geyser 天然热喷泉 ghoul 食尸鬼,饿鬼,盗墓者 gibber 急促而不连贯地说 ...

5.饿鬼 geyser 天然热喷泉 ghoul 食尸鬼,饿鬼,盗墓者 gibber 急促而不连贯地说 ...

6.食尸鬼丨 求解 chongtianyun1 3-29 食尸鬼丨 ghoul 2-22 ...

7.图形输出语言 ghosting 虚反射 GHOUL 图形输出语言 GHz 千兆赫 ...


1.Gnaw: This ghoul ability is now able to be set on auto cast.啃咬:这个食尸鬼技能可以设置为自动施放。

2.It has a ghoul in the attic and gnomes in the garden.陋居的阁楼上有食尸鬼,花园里住着地精。

3.And I'm right underneath the ghoul in the attic; he's always banging on the pipes and groaning.我上面就是阁楼,里面住着那个食尸鬼,他老是敲管子,哼哼叽叽……

4.Glyph of Raise Dead - Your Ghoul receives an additional 20% of your Strength.复活死尸铭文-你的食尸鬼获得额外的力量,力量值取决于你的力量的20%。

5.Raise Dead - Your Ghoul receives an additional 40% of your Strength and 40% of your Stamina.亡者复生-你的食尸鬼能从你获得额外的40%力量和耐力提升。

6.Master of Ghouls' Ghoul now lasts until killed or similarly dismissed.食尸鬼之主的食尸鬼现在会一直存在,直到被杀死或者解散。

7.Ghoul Mayor: Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freakyboy! Freak circus freak! Who's scary? *HAHAHA* Who's weird now?盗尸鬼镇长:现在谁更吓人?现在谁是怪物?怪胎!马戏团的怪物!谁更可怕?哈哈哈!现在谁更古怪!

8.Fool and king . . . Ghoul and goose . . .小丑和国王…食尸鬼和鹅…

9.Alice Cooper, America's singing ghoul, was ending his act.美国的恐怖歌星艾利丝•库珀的表演正接近尾声。

10.And what would liberals do after a ghoul invasion?那么,食尸鬼侵入之后,自由主义者会怎样呢?