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网络释义:嫩黄瓜;腌黄瓜;迷你小黄瓜复数:gherkins  同义词

n.pickled cucumber,dill pickle,pickle



1.醋泡小黄瓜a small cucumber that has been preserved in vinegar before being eaten

2.小黄瓜a small cucumber


n.1.a small green vegetable preserved in vinegar and eaten cold with meals

1.小黄瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 loofah 丝瓜 ...

2.嫩黄瓜 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根 ...

3.腌黄瓜 garlic,garlic bulb 蒜头 gherkin 迷你小黄瓜 ginger 姜 ...

5.酸黄瓜 Soy Sauce 酱油 Gherkin 酸黄瓜 Cocktail Onion 鸡尾酒洋葱 ...

6.小黄瓜大厦腐乳(红) 腐乳又称豆腐乳,是用大豆、黄酒、高粱酒、红 …


1.If Hester did his job inside a Perspex box on top of the Gherkin for a year, this entire argument might never have happened.如果海斯特在“腌黄瓜”顶上的有机玻璃盒子内工作过一年,目前这场争辩可能根本就不会发生。

2.Our prestigious new premises in the heart of the City of London, next to the 'Gherkin', opened in July 2009.我们享有盛名的新校区位于金融城中心,标志性建筑瑞士再保险大厦旁边,于二零零九年七月正式对外开放。

3.Londoners universally refer to the new 41-storey building as "The Gherkin" , though it actually looks more like a pine cone.伦敦市民都把这幢新的41层高楼叫做“小黄瓜”,尽管它实际上看起来更像一个松果。

4.Some bread, cheese, carrot slices and pickled gherkin were used to create this locomotive.这个火车头是用面包、奶酪、胡萝卜片、腌嫩黄瓜做的。

5.Cocktail onion, gherkin, black olive, Dijon mustard, American mustard and seeded mustard.鸡尾洋葱,酸黄瓜,黑水榄,大藏芥末,美式芥末和带籽芥末。

6.What stands out to you in the poster itself? Notice the Gherkin is on fire . . . that can't be good.海报的什么地方吸引你?注意到小黄瓜也着火了……这可真不妙啊。

7.It will join the Gherkin, the Razor and the Filing Cabinet, with the Cucumber and Cheese Grater to come.碎片大厦。这些绰号中还会加入小黄瓜,剃须刀,公文柜,还会有大黄瓜,和奶酪刨丝器加入进来。

8.That building is just like a gherkin.西印度黄瓜是黄瓜的一种。

9.The glass-and-steel tower will be built next door to the Gherkin landmark -- a pickled cuke-like structure built in 2004.这栋用玻璃和钢筋建造的塔将挨着2004年建成的地标性建造——小黄瓜(腌制小黄瓜)。

10.Mum: Come on. Why don't we see if Mark fancies gherkin.妈妈:来,我们去看看马克是不是喜欢小黄瓜。