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美式发音: [ˈɡulɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈɡuːlɪʃ]







adj.1.reminding you of death in an unpleasant and frightening way2.getting pleasure from unpleasant situations involving death

1.食尸鬼似的 ... ghoul 盗尸者 ghoulish 食尸鬼似的 ghyll 峡谷 ...

2.残忍的 ... pallor 苍白 ghoulish 食尸鬼似的,残忍的 sarcophagus 石棺 ...

3.令人毛骨悚然的 ... in the wake of: 尾随,效仿 ghoulish: 令人毛骨悚然的 bowler hats: 圆顶高帽,圆顶硬礼帽 ...

4.食尸鬼类 ... cobweb 蜘蛛网 ghoulish 鬼一般的 Halloween toys 万圣节玩具 ...

6.恐怖的 ... spooky adj. 使人想到鬼的;吓人的 ghoulish adj. 食尸鬼似的,恐怖的 tableware n 餐具 ...


1.Yet even these similar sad stories, while filling me with a ghoulish sense of companionship, seemed removed.但这些变态地消除我的孤独感的悲伤文字仿佛消失了。

2.There is something compelling, in a ghoulish sort of way, about the notion that earth's climate may be headed toward a tipping point.有一种你不得不信,甚至还有点恐怖的观点,那就是地球气候可能正走向一个崩溃的边缘。

3.The immense public interest, which seems to us ghoulish and brutalised, was accepted as natural, indeed praiseworthy .这样巨大的公众利益,在今天的我们看来是残忍和暴虐,在那时却自然而然的被人们广泛接受,甚至值得赞许。

4.She spoke from her coffin, and made ghoulish demands.她在棺材里对他说话,像个食尸鬼一样请求他。

5.Incessant plastic surgery and blanched skin gave him a bizarre, ghoulish look.一次次的整形手术,以及漂白过的皮肤,让他看上去像食尸鬼般可怖和怪异。

6.Johnny Depp looks ghoulish on the set of his latest film Dark Shadows on Tuesday (September 13) in South Devon, England.本周二(9月13日)在英格兰德文郡拍摄新片《黑影》的强尼·戴普新片吸血鬼造型相当瘆人!

7.His ghoulish moves in the video have been imitated by dancers all over the world.他在录像带中表演的魔鬼舞被全世界的舞者所效仿。

8.Although a touch ghoulish, the war has added an extra dimension to this fascinating city.尽管笔触残忍,战争还是给这个迷人的城市增加了一个维度。

9.Adored by fans, despised by critics, the group made a name for itself performing in white face make-up and ghoulish costumes.尽管受到各种批评,但是这个乐队仍然坚持涂着白脸,穿着奇异服装进行演出,这些特征都使他们名声大噪。

10.Prose-correcting programs are also a little ghoulish, like asking a computer for tips on improving your personality.修改文章的程序也有点可怕,就像是在向计算机索取培养个性的窍门。