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giant size是什么意思_怎么读

giant size



1.特大号包装 G Gap 离缝 giant size == 特大号包装 giant star== 巨星,巨星 ...

2.巨大国家的国土领地还庞大,难怪德州人习惯任何物品都是〝大尺码〞(Giant Size)的,包括土地、房子、车子、家俱、衣物、动 …


1.Everything here was giant size but reduced to the appearance of littleness by the tremendous space around us.这儿一切都是巨型的,但在我们周围惊人的空间中显得微小。

2.it suddenly turned into a giant size, and the layer of black feather disappeared, and turn to snow white.公主走进正要触摸,突然天鹅变得很大而且是雪白的。

3.Scaling up to giant size doesn't change that truth.企业发展到巨大规模也不会改变这一事实。

4.We're not sure, but somehow seeing our favorite Japanese food turned into giant size pillows makes us smile.我们不知道,但不知何故看到我们最喜爱的日本料理,变成了巨大的大小枕头,让我们的笑容。