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美式发音: [ˈdʒɪbərɪʃ] 英式发音: 







1.莫名其妙的话;胡话;令人费解的话words that have no meaning or are impossible to understand

You were talking gibberish in your sleep.你在睡梦里讲着呓语。



1.乱语 concerto 协奏曲 gibberish 胡言乱语 parade 游行 ...

3.无用数据 gibber 三棱石 gibberish 无用数据 gibbet 起重臂 ...

4.胡扯 quibble( 诡辩,遁词); gibberish( 莫名其妙的话,胡扯); imbibe( …

5.听不懂没关系 盗( Thou Shall Not Steal) 听不懂没关系( Gibberish) 来不及了( We're Out Of Time...) ...

6.莫名其妙的话 quibble( 诡辩,遁词); gibberish莫名其妙的话,胡扯); imbibe( …

7.急促而不清楚的话 ... 3. algebra n. 代数学 4. gibberish n. 乱语;急促而不清楚的话 5. eel 鳗鱼 ...

8.乱语静心乱语静心(Gibberish)Dec 31 Wed 2008 10:17 无边无际静心 Dec 31 Wed 2008 10:12 曼达拉静心(Mandala Meditation) Dec 3…


1.As they carried me, they spoke to one an-other in a gibberish that sounded like the bark of a squirrel or the rough cough of a deer.他们扛着我时,彼此间叽里咕噜地说话,听上去像松鼠的叫声,又像鹿粗声大气的咳嗽。

2.Tom had entered a belligerent phase--he would yell gibberish, annoyed and angry, and we could not decipher what he was trying to say.汤姆已进入暴躁阶段--他会叽哩咕噜地嚷着、烦躁不安、怒气冲冲,我们无法明白他想说什么。

3.An alternative response to that risk is to use strong passwords, gibberish characters adding up to at least 10 characters.对这种风险的另一种替代反应是使用难以破解的强密码——至少长达10个字符的一串乱码。

4."The Oracle cloud is a little different, " Ellison now said, as if adding his own brand of gibberish to the cloud conversation.“甲骨文的云有点不一样,”埃里森现在这样说,他似乎是在给关于云计算的对话添加一份属于他自己的“胡言乱语”。

5.He squirmed and talked to me in gibberish, trying to explain what was wrong.他扭着身体,咕噜地向我说着,试图解释哪里不舒服。

6.On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice.索比在人行道上扯开那破锣似的嗓子,像醉鬼一样胡闹。

7.Upon sobering up and looking at the notebook in which he had written his drug-addled thoughts, he saw only gibberish.当他清醒过来,再次审视记载着他混乱思维的笔记本时,他看到的只是垃圾。

8.After he got out of the bar, he suddenly began to yell drunken gibberish on the sidewalk.他走出酒馆后,突然在人行道上开始大声喊着醉话。

9.Once, after seeing an opera, Andersen came home and began to reenact the scenes, making up his own gibberish language.有一次他看完歌剧,回家后就开始原戏重演,并发明了只有自己才听得懂的语言。

10.Hand Flow Tang suggests maybe this was supposed to mean "left and right, " but it would be gibberish.唐表示这个词可能意为“左和右”,不过它更像是胡言乱语。