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gift of gab是什么意思_怎么读

gift of gab

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n.1.a natural ability to talk fluently, eloquently, or persuasively

1.有口才 ... 179. Ghost writer 为人代笔的作家,捉刀人 180. Gift of gab 有口才,口齿伶俐 181. Gig 演出的 …

2.能说会道 ... 小心轻放 easy does it. 能说会道 gift of gab 一知半解 don't know the half of it ...

3.更没有任何口才 ... 179. Ghost writer 为人代笔的作家,捉刀人 180. Gift of gab 有口才,口齿伶俐 181. Gig 演出的 …

5.任您畅所欲言 ... 晚宴八点 Dinner at Eight 任您畅所欲言 Gift of Gab 假期的每一天 Every Day's a Holiday ...


1.the gift of gab Seldom have I met a girl who's had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee's.我几乎没见过像莉莉这样有口才的女孩子。

2.Yeah. Seldom have I met a girl who's had such a gift of gab like Lily's.是啊。我几乎从未见过像莉莉这样有口才的女孩子。

3.Seldom have I met a babe who's had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee's.我简直没见过像莉莉这样有口才的女孩子。

4.They say he has the gift of gab, and that's exactly what is needed in a good salesperson.他们说他口才好,而这恰好是一个好的推销员所要具备的品质。

5.Master the gift of gab with the phrase book that makes Erin go ha!掌握瞎扯的语法书,使艾琳去公顷的礼物!

6.I think most Americans have the gift of gab on many occasions.我想大部分美国人在许多场合,都很会说话。

7.Seldom have I met a girl who has the gift of gab like Jenny's.我几乎从未见过象珍妮这么有口才的女孩子。

8.Our president certainly has the gift of gab. He can give a talk freely for a long time without any reference.我院院长确实有口才。他能在没有任何参考的情况下,自如地做很长时间的报告。

9.I wish my son had the gift of gab like yours我希望我和儿子也能有你那样的好口才