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gift of the gab是什么意思_怎么读

gift of the gab

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n.1.a natural ability to talk fluently, eloquently, or persuasively

1.能说会道 Big Cheese 大人物 Gift of the Gab 能说会道 Doggy Bag 打包 ...

2.口才 a man of many gifts 多才多艺的人 gift of the gab 口才 a person of many gifts 多才多艺的人 ...

3.能言善道 ... 079 Get up on the wrong side of the bed 心情不佳 080 Gift of the gab 能言善道 081 Give me a break 饶了我吧 ...

4.伶牙俐齿 ... There are many famous sculptures in the museum. 这个博物馆有很多著名的雕刻品。 gift of the gab 口才,伶牙俐


1.also Some students like to tell a lie, fabricated, or exaggerated, although the gift of the gab, but not a true friend.还有一些同学喜欢撒谎,无中生有,或夸大其词,虽然能说会道,却得不到真正的朋友。

2.Remember, to describe someone who speaks very confidently and in a way that makes you want to listen, we say they have the gift of the gab.如果我们想形容那些说话有很强的说服力的人,就可以用这个表达havethegiftofthegab。

3.A natural charmer, with the gift of the gab , he can talk himself out of most situations and likes to think he's a ladies man!他是天生的情场高手,凭着三寸不烂之舌,总能找出理由把自己说成是个女士杀手。

4.Is red and sweet watermelon, cucumber is the gift of the gab, was born shouting frogs, reading text messages is being stupid!又红又甜是西瓜,能说会道是胡瓜,呱呱乱叫是青蛙,正读短信是笨蛋!

5.Helen: The gift of the gab. It means he speaks in a way that makes people want to listen to him.这个短语的意思就是说这个人能说会道,而且他说的话家都能听得进去。

6.Smith would have made a good salesman, he has the gift of the gab .史密斯准能成为一个很好的推销员,他能说会道。

7.Jack's gift of the gab helped him get a good job.杰克的口才使他得到了那份工作。

8.Having the "gift of the gab" is not enough.仅仅凭借“巧舌如簧”是不够的。

9.cucumber is the gift of the gab.能说会道是胡瓜。

10.Neil: In English we have an expression to describe someone like that. We say he's got the gift of the gab.短语的意思说人能说会道,而且他说的话大家都能听得进去。