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gift with是什么意思_怎么读

gift with


1.Present the gift with both hands as a sign of courtesy and always mention that this is only a small token of appreciation.目前,礼品,两手都要硬,作为一种标志,在礼貌上,始终何况这只是一个很小的以示谢意。

2.I still think of my time with him fondly because the unspoiled moment was a gift with all the beauty of un-trampled snow.我仍然天真地痴想着与他一起的时光,那未曾破坏的瞬间如上天的礼物,像未遭践踏的冬雪,胜过人间所有美景。

3.Well, thanks for your gift. with so much introduction of it, I feel like going there next time.哦!谢谢你的礼物!听了你那么多的介绍下次我也一定要去玩下!

4.So let me share my gift, with you once more, Just like we had in the past, so many times before.因此,让我与你分享我的礼物,再一次,就像我们在过去,所以才多次。

5.You know, I've always believed that everything is better when you share it, so before I go, I wanted to share a graduation gift with you.你们知道,我一直坚信,如果你和他人分享,那么事情就会变得更好。所以在我离开之前,我想和大家分享一下毕业礼物。

6.A gift with a Gucci label builds guanxi, or relationships, and is considered more tasteful than an envelope of money.一件带着古琦(Gucci)商标的礼物能建立起人际关系,而且比装着钱的信封更有品位。

7.The Lord received Abel and his gift with favour; but Cain and his gift he did not receive.天主看中了亚伯和他的供品,而没看中盖因和他的礼物。

8.If buy a birthday gift with depends on your father like it or not there are also depend on their economic situation.如果要买生日礼物拿要看你父亲是否喜欢还有也要看自己的经济情况。

9.Aim for that golden mean, give your gift with a big smile and a hug and enjoy life.如果你的目标是达到不好也不赖,用一个开心的微笑和一个真心的拥抱送出你的礼物,并且好好享受生活吧。

10.If your promotion code is associated with a FREE gift with purchase don't forget to add the FREE product to your shopping bag.如果你的促销码对应的是一个免费的礼物,那么请你不要忘记在你的购物车里面备注出来。