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gifted student是什么意思_怎么读

gifted student



1.资优生 - Gifted Children 天才儿童;有天赋的孩子; - gifted student 资优生;天才学生; - Gifted Grownups 我的天才噩梦; ...

2.学生产家庭,六岁时智商测试达到了139分,是个有天分的学生gifted student),钢琴演奏也很有造诣(an accomplished pianist…

3.天才学生 - Gifted Children 天才儿童;有天赋的孩子; - gifted student 资优生;天才学生; - Gifted Grownups 我的天才噩梦; ...

4.有天赋的学生 Gifted and Talented Students Program 资优学生计画 gifted student 有天赋的学生 girl's gymnasium 女子健身房︰女子体操室 ...

5.有才华的学生 Full professor 正教授 Gifted student 有才华的学生 Graduate student 研究生 ...

6.资优班学生 资源班学生 / Resource Student 资优班学生 / Gifted Student 学生评量 / Assessment Processes ...


1.X is a gifted student with a good sense of imagination and creativity, and is also capable of pioneering and working independently.学生x是个有天赋的学生,有想象力与创造力,不乏开拓创新的精神和独立工作学习的能力。

2.Mr Walker grew up to be a gifted student who filled his parents and teachers with high hopes.沃克逐渐成长为一个资优生,父母和老师都对他寄予厚望。

3.It is the first time for Confucius to hear it. He knew that his gifted student must have some new progress in practice.孔子也是第一次听到这样的名词,他知道这位天资聪慧的弟子必定是又有什么新的进展。

4.Both of the girls were about twenty, young enough to be a gifted student woman university at that time.两个女郎年纪约二十左右,在当时的女校高材生里要算是年轻的了。

5.George is a gifted student in science and engineering.乔治在理工科方面是个很有天赋的学生。

6.He's an extremely gifted student.他是个及其有天赋的学生。