1.资赋优异 giftedness 天才 giftedness 资赋优异 giftie 才能 ...
2.天才 gifted child 超常儿童 giftedness 天才 giftedness 资赋优异 ...
3.资优以高度的关注.如同Reuzulli(1978)对「资优」(Giftedness)的定义:「资优」是在「创造力」,「中上智慧」(Above-Average Intel…
4.优於天赋始於对社区居民之才能、技术及能力的盘点,每个人的「天赋才能」(giftedness)应该要能获得重视,特别是社区中那些被边 …
7.天生我才必有用 ... 共同的信念( Conviction) 天生我才必有用( Giftedness) 关系孕育中成长( Connectedness) ...
8.假资优 dementia 假性痴呆 giftedness 假资优 hallucination 假性幻觉 ...
造句带翻译释义:,资赋优异,天才,资优1.By recognizing the signs of talent or giftedness, we may pursue those talents as a career or to help a nonprofit group.通过认识天才的标志,我们也许可以致力于那些才智并以此为工作或者帮助一个非营利性组织。
2.By the time he reached sixth grade, the cultural focus on 'giftedness' began to rankle.等他上6年级时,人们对“天赋”的普遍关注开始让我恼火。
3.When we come into a relationship, we have certain areas of giftedness where we have already given permission to ourself.当我们来到关系里面,我们有着不同范畴的礼物,这正是我们给予自己的“认可”。
4.The giftedness of a pastor, his disposition, spirituality, along with his work ethics &style, all have a profound impact upon the church.传道人的恩赐,性格,灵性,与做事的态度和方法,全都会大大影向著教会的。
5.Because "giftedness" is typically concentrated in one area and doesn't refer to overall intelligence, the focus of an IQ test.因为“天赋”是集中在某个领域,与智商测试的侧重点整体智商并无关联。
6.Others fail to recognize potential giftedness in rebellious and naughty children.有的没有看到不听话、淘气孩于身上潜在的才能。
7.Parents are usually the first to recognize a child's giftedness quite early.父母通常是第一个了解孩子早期天赋的人。
8.For some the Hammer is demonstrated as particular ' giftedness '.对某些人来说,这锤子是以特别的“天赋”表现出来。
9.Genius and giftedness are realtive descriptive terms of no real substance.天才和天赋是一对相对形容的术语而非实质性形容的术语
10.Can behavior problems be a sign of giftedness?儿童行为问题是天赋的表现?