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网络释义:礼品;礼品及赠品;恩赐复数:gifts  搭配同义词

v.+n.give gift,accept gift,bring gift,get gift,receive gift

adj.+n.small gift,precious gift,special gift,lovely gift,great gift





n.1.something that you give to someone as a present2.a natural ability to do something well3.something good that you are grateful to have4.something that you get easily that gives you an advantage1.something that you give to someone as a present2.a natural ability to do something well3.something good that you are grateful to have4.something that you get easily that gives you an advantage

1.礼品 男装配饰 Men's Accessories 礼品 Gifts 礼服 Dress ...

2.礼物 其他 OTHERS 礼物 GIFTS 折扣区 SALE ...

3.礼品及赠品 ... Furniture( 家具) 5,978 Gifts( 礼品及赠品) 5,921 Glass( 玻璃及器皿) 4,646 ...

4.恩赐 海娜染发粉 Henna Hair Day 赠品区 Gifts 美发护发 Hair Care ...

6.天赋(skills)、 能力(capacities)、天赋gifts)、天资(talents)等词,但加德纳考虑到这些名称都存有缺 点,最后决定勇敢 …

7.送礼给宏大彩民伴侣供应了更多购彩、送礼(Gifts)采取的同时,也带给(Bring)群众福满人间、财达宇宙的“ 百万冷遇”。很多时候解释 …


1.But the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith.但圣灵透过福音召我,以恩典启示我,将我分别为圣并保守我在真实的信仰里。

2.Although gifts are placed under the tree on Christmas Eve for the children, parents and adults do not exchange theirs until New Year's Day.虽然,父母或家里的其他大人在圣诞节前夜把给小孩的礼物放在圣诞树下,但是直到新年他们才能互换礼物。

3.The most wonderful gifts are about to be bestowed upon you, and come with the rising up of your consciousness.最奇妙的礼物就要授予你们,将随着你们意识的提升而到来。(译者:是CM说的能量大潮么?)

4.Parents are always excited to see the cheerful faces of their children at the moment they open their gifts.父母亲总是很兴奋地看到他们的孩子拆开他们的礼物时欢快的表情。

5.That real gifts come from the heart, reach out to the heart of another, and embrace them with the love of your soul.真正的礼物来自于心灵,抵达其他人的心灵,用你灵魂的爱拥抱他们。

6.So Jacob's gifts went on ahead of him, but he himself spent the night in the camp.于是礼物先过去了。那夜,雅各在队中住宿。

7.The magi, as you know, were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger.正如诸位所知,麦琪是聪明人,聪明绝顶的人,把礼物带来送给出生在马槽里的耶稣。

8.Random gifts to the careful use, or not to be up to the time on the bad.随机出现的礼物要慎重使用,否则到没的可放的时候就糟了。

9.She WAS home from convent boarding school and WAS excitedly looking forward to her gifts next day, which I had already purchased.她从女修道院办的寄宿学校回来了,十分激动地等着第二天的礼物,那是我早就买好了的。

10.It was his brother's gifts and wit that made him achieving high ranking in Mo school. There was no direct tie to Huan.是天赋与其弟那样的聪明才智,才造就了他在墨家的成就,与缓是没有什么直接关系的。