gilded age
1.镀金时代论指出,美国贫富差距,已经重新回到南北战争1870年代镀金时代(Gilded Age),不过《经济学人》杂志却有另一种解读。
6.经济繁荣时代较29年前的任何一班大一新生为低。从南北战争后的“经济繁荣时代”(Gilded Age)到“进步时代”(ProgressiveEra),从20世纪20 …
造句带翻译释义:,镀金时代,镀金年代,镀金时期1.Jekyll Island, one of Georgia's Golden Isles, was one of the most exclusive resorts for America's richest families during the Gilded Age.格鲁吉亚的黄金岛之一杰基尔岛是镀金时代美国最富裕家庭最独特的度假胜地之一。
2.In miserable contrast, the below-average Gilded Age American had to make do with a pair of shoes and a melting block of ice.与此形成鲜明对比的是,生活在镀金时代的下层美国人一年四季只能穿一双鞋,只能用一块即将融化的冰块来保存食物。
3.The Gilded Age was one of extreme profligacy, both in business investment and sumptuous expenditure.不管是商业投资、还是豪华消费,镀金时代(GildedAge)都算得上极度挥霍的时期之一。
4.the big winners in this new Gilded Age have been a handful of very wealthy people, not college graduates in general.新的镀金时代的大赢家一直是少数非常富有的人,而不是整个大学毕业生。
5.A week later, the gilded age of Wall Street had faded away .一周后,华尔街黄金时代已逝去。
6.In fact, the Jubilee would be remembered as a decadent farewell toast to America's gilded age of invention.事实上,这次庆祝活动将被看作是向发明的辉煌时代举杯告别而停留在人们心中。9天后,美国股市暴跌。
7.But even as the vast majority of the wealthy are losing wealth, some are gaining or forging the next Gilded Age in their garages.但是即便绝大多数富人的财产在流失,仍然有一些人正在他们的车库里打造或迎接着下一个镀金时代。
8.The result is a new gilded age, in which plutocrats capture the surplus generated by an exploited class of workers.结果是一个新的镀金时代,财阀们攫取受剥削的工人阶级创造的剩余价值。
9.The Gilded Age, an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and buoyant hope.无节制、走极端,倒退和进步、贫困和富有并存,既令人沮丧又让人有希望的时代。
10.Both in its rot and heady dynamism, India is beginning to resemble America's Gilded Age (1865-1900).无论是从腐朽还是从繁荣的角度来看,当今的印度都开始有点像美国的“镀金时代”(GildedAge,1865-1900年)。