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美式发音: ['gɪldɪŋ] 英式发音: ['gɪldɪŋ]






1.镀金层;金色涂层;镀金饰面a layer of gold or gold paint; the surface that this makes



v.1.The present participle of gild

1.镀金 gibbsite 水铝矿 gilding 镀金 gilsonite 硬沥青 ...

2.贴金箔 gigantic 巨大的 gilding 贴金箔,镀金 girder 钢结构大梁 ...

3.烫金 烫花〖 brand〗 烫金gilding;bronzing〗 烫面〖 doughmadewithboilingwater〗 ...

4.金箔贴涂 吹过墙檐的晚风 / breeze 鎏金 / gilding 掠过野长城的飞机 / the wild Great Wall ...

6.金质金箔彩绘 烙印彩绘 BURNING 金质金箔彩绘 GILDING 彩绘入门组合 KITS ...

7.饰金 Giemsa stain 卲姆沙染色剂 gilding 包金;饰金 gilding metal 装饰金属 ...


1.Young Mr. Gilding had become a realist: Activism did not pay well, and the military seemed like another way to serve the community, he says.年轻的吉尔丁从此成为一名现实主义者:激进活动效果不佳,参军似乎是服务社会的另一条途径。

2.Auctioneer Mark Gilding said: 'There is no evidence any of these were ever made which makes it an extremely rare object.拍卖师MarkGilding说:“由于没有任何证据表明这件胸针曾被制造出来,这就使得它极其罕见。”

3.As the sun was gilding the distant spires of Dragonstone, Dany stumbled onto a low stone wall, overgrown and broken.随着金色余晖浮现于遥远的龙石山尖顶上,丹妮绊倒在一座低矮的石墙旁,周围杂草丛生,残破不堪。

4.One of those who has been warning me of this for a long time is Paul Gilding, the Australian environmental business expert.一直提醒我注意此事的人里,有澳大利亚环境事务专家保尔·吉尔丁。

5.an alloy of copper and zinc (and sometimes arsenic) used to imitate gold in cheap jewelry and for gilding .铜和锌的合金(有时含砷),用于镀金和在廉价珠宝中仿金。

6.The chill beauty of an autumnal sunset was now gilding the three hill-tops, whence a paler tint stole down their sides into the hollow.现在,秋日那凉意袭人的美丽落日给三座山丘的顶峰镀上一层金色,而一抹苍色却悄悄顺着山坡滑入谷底。

7.Gilding and belling the combination of the purity? characteristics of discoverability and hard to be copied.烫金和压凸相结合使产品具有便于识别的特点,不易被复制。

8.Gilding material processing flexibility and reliability to enable bronzing processing industry continually move forward the basic guarantee.烫金材料的加工灵活性及其可靠性能是促使烫金加工行业不断地向前发展的基本保证。

9.Rotary gilding the spilling of the drum, the drum with the Nano-imprint lithography bronzing on rolling contact, implement stamping.圆压圆烫金所用的烫金版为滚筒状,烫金时与压印滚筒对滚接触,实现烫金。

10.Mainly control on viscosity, the depth of the roller and oven temperature, dry finish, souvenirs. . . , direct gilding, die-cutting.主要是控制好上光油的粘度,网纹辊的深度和烘箱的温度即可,上光油瞬间干燥,可直接烫金、模切。