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网络释义:金酒;琴酒;精展复数:gins  过去分词:ginned  现在分词:ginning  同义词





1.[u]杜松子酒an alcoholic drink made from grain and flavoured with juniper berries . Gin is usually drunk mixed with tonic water or fruit juice.

2.[c]一杯杜松子酒a glass of gin

I'll have a gin and tonic, please.请来一杯加奎宁水的杜松子酒。



n.1.a strong clear alcoholic drink made from grain and small fruits called juniper berries to add flavor2.[Mechanical Engineering]a mechanical apparatus used for hoisting heavy weights, a crane, now usually a tripod in form3.a machine for separating cotton from its seeds4.a snare or trap for game5.an engine of torture, the rack1.a strong clear alcoholic drink made from grain and small fruits called juniper berries to add flavor2.[Mechanical Engineering]a mechanical apparatus used for hoisting heavy weights, a crane, now usually a tripod in form3.a machine for separating cotton from its seeds4.a snare or trap for game5.an engine of torture, the rack

v.1.to catch in a gin or trap, to ensnare2.to remove the seeds of (cotton) with a gin3.to drink gin or other intoxicating liquor; to become drunk

1.金酒 伏特加( Vodka) 琴酒( Gin) 爱尔兰( Irish) ...

3.杜松子酒 轩尼诗 X.O 毡酒( GIN) 郎姆酒( RUM) ...

6.陷阱 gig( 旋转物) gin陷阱) gill( 腮) ...

7.金酒类 威士忌类( Whisky) 金酒类Gin) 朗姆酒类( Rum) ...

8.京族 怒族 Nu/NU 京族 Gin/GI 基诺族 Jino/JN ...


1.gin and tonic You can have it all but how much do you want it?你可以一饮而尽但要喝多少杯才够

2.The man's tie was stained, his face was smeared with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket.这人的领带上有污斑,他的脸上净是唇膏印,还有半瓶杜松子酒从他撕破的口袋里伸出来。

3.He never upstaged his wife and though intelligent and rich, he was content to be viewed as a golfing, gin-swilling duffer.他从来不抢他夫人的风头,虽然他聪明富有,但他乐意被视作一位整日打高尔夫,大口喝杜松子酒的笨蛋。

4.When Edward had done that he thought he would try a gin and tonic. He did, reading some book or other the while.做完之后,爱德华想喝点儿奎宁杜松子酒。他一边喝,一边翻看一些书籍之类的读物。

5.'You give the children gin, Mrs Mann? 'asked Mr Bumble, watching as she mixed his drink.“曼太太,你给孩子们喝杜松子酒?”班布尔先生看着她给自己兑酒,问道。

6.He approached, met her eyes and said, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. "他向前,迎向她的眼光,说:「世界上酒店这麽多,她却走进我这一家。」

7.He took down from the shelf a bottle of colourless liquid with a plain white label marked VICTORY GIN.他从厨架上拿了瓶无色液体,瓶身上一块纯白标签写着“胜利牌琴酒”。

8.He took her on a picnic with a thermos of gin and tonics; they married two months later.比尔带了一水壶的酒,邀她一起外出野餐,两个月后两人就结为伉俪。

9.But while wine-drinkers appeared to be brighter, the same was not true of those who drank beer, shochu (a local gin) and whisky.虽然喝葡萄酒的人似乎更聪明些,但那些喝啤酒、杜松子酒和威士忌酒的人,情况并非如此。

10.Gin is vodka to which resinous flavoring agents-often juniper berries -have been added to provide a unique aroma and flavor.杜松子酒是向伏特加中添加了树脂风味的物质(通常是用杜松子)来产生一种独特的滋气味。