gin rummy
美式发音: 英式发音:n.金拉米纸牌戏(玩牌者争取使手中牌加起来不超过 10 点)
gin rummyn.1.金拉米纸牌戏(玩牌者争取使手中牌加起来不超过 10 点)a card game in which players try to get hands(= sets of cards) that add up to ten
n.1.a card game for two people in which players try to collect sets of cards
1.金拉米推荐星级: 下载游戏 简介:经典围棋,游戏最大的特点: …
2.金拉米牌《金拉米牌》(Gin Rummy)是一款经典的纸牌游戏,1909年传入纽约,40年代在美国风行一时。 步骤/方法 参考资料 在线金 …
3.拉米牌戏拉米牌戏(Gin Rummy) 游戏评分: 日期: 2012-10-20 拉米牌戏:一款好玩的纸牌游戏。
造句带翻译释义:,金拉米纸牌戏,金拉米牌,拉米牌戏1.The Gin Rummy score sheet is divided into six columns, and the names of the two players alternate at the top of each column.金拉米牌戏的分数表被分成六列,两位玩家的名字交替出现在每一列首行。
2.We don't want to play gin rummy with our friends, dumping five businesses and getting five new ones.我们不会和我们的朋友玩拉米牌戏,卖掉5个公司然后又买5个新的回来。
3.My wife and I play gin rummy , often when traveling.我和我妻子通常在旅行时玩金罗美。
4.He and I fell into a habit of playing gin rummy in the evenings我们养成了晚上玩纸牌的习惯