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美式发音: [ˈɡɜrlɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈɡɜː(r)lɪʃ]





1.像女孩子的;女孩子似的;女孩子的like a girl; of a girl

a girlish giggle女孩子气的咯咯笑

a girlish figure女孩儿的体形


adj.1.looking or behaving like a young girl

1.少女的 ... girlie 少女 girlish 少女的 girly 像少女的 ...

2.少女似的 ... 3.russet n. 红褐色,粗皮苹果 4.girlish adj. 姑娘的,少女似的,女孩子气的 5.poplin n. 毛葛,府 …

3.少女般的 futures( 期货); girlish( 少女般的); the Girl Scouts( 女童军); ...

4.女孩子气的 ... 3.russet n. 红褐色,粗皮苹果 4.girlish adj. 姑娘的,少女似的,女孩子气的 5.poplin n. 毛葛,府 …

5.少女化 ... bookish adj. 书生气的,书本上的,好学的 Girlish adj. 女孩子的 Righteous ad. 正直的 ...

7.女孩风格 Western( 西岸风格) Girlish( 女孩风格) Traditional( 传统) ...


1.The little girlish trinkets that she had accumulated from time to time she did not take.她平时一点点积起来的那些女孩子的小饰物,她都没有拿。

2.And, indeed, she seemed to have lost all the old interests of her girlish, careless life, that had been so full of hope.而且她已没有了往日所有的生活趣味,那无忧无虑、充满希望的少女生活情趣。

3."But if you remain visible the bears will see you and devour you, " said a girlish young voice, that belonged to one of the children.“但是如果你仍可见的熊会看到你和烧灭你的话,”一个年轻的少女时代的声音,那是属于一个孩子。

4.Her eyes, however, betrayed that perfect confidence which contradicted the girlish simplicity of this modest attire.她的打扮虽然显得纯洁高尚,她眼睛里却流露出一种与之相反的傲慢神气。

5.Who would have imagined she was so girlish, so ready to laugh?谁知道她会是这样的女孩子气,这样的喜欢嬉笑?

6.He makes her look fresh and girlish , lying on her stomach , kicking her legs behind her, her face covered in light .他让她看上去清新如少女一般,她趴在地上,踢着腿,脸上充满光彩。

7.Testino made Princess Diana look innocent and girlish; he gave Jennifer Aniston an edgy sexuality.特斯蒂诺使戴安娜公主显露出天真烂漫的少女特质;他赋予珍妮弗•安妮斯顿(JenniferAniston)一种前卫的性感。

8.It was plain to see how old and firm the girlish heart was grown under the discipline of heavy sorrow.一望而知,在沉重的痛苦磨炼下,她那颗年轻的心已经变得多么苍老、多么果断。

9.uh, Sorry, just give me a moment. . . . . . redefine my girlish notions of romance. A proof? Verifiable data. Okay, How big is the universe?你等等,给我一点时间…让我为自己对爱情的见解下个定义。你要证明和能作为依据的资料,好啊,告诉我宇宙有多大?

10.A friend once told me that my mother and I were alike, that we had the same wispy hand gestures, the same girlish laugh and sideways look.有个朋友曾跟我说,我跟我母亲特别像,都举止文雅,都有孩子一般的笑声和娇嗔的睇视。