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网络释义:找女朋友;情人;双面女友复数:girlfriends  搭配同义词

v.+n.marry girlfriend

n.sweetheart,inamorata,lover,partner,lady friend



1.女朋友;女情人a girl or a woman that sb is having a romantic relationship with

2.(女子的)女伴,女友a woman's female friend

I had lunch with a girlfriend.我同女友一起吃的午饭。


n.1.a woman who you are having a romantic or sexual relationship witstrong.a female friend of a woman

1.女朋友 西柚与柑橘 Grapefruit and Citrus 女朋友 Girlfriend 绿色 Green ...

2.女友 模型玩具( aircraft) 找女朋友( girlfriend) 换偶俱乐部( Swap) ...

4.情人 Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 满足为止 Girlfriend 情人 Rock With You 与你共 …

5.双面女友 ... 女侍 Waitress 双面女友 Girlfriend 金太贤 Worst ...

6.艾薇儿 tank- 如果我变成回忆 girlfriend- 艾薇儿 Respect- 阿甘正传 ...

7.女伴侣 girl n. 女孩;女职员 girlfriend n. 女朋友;女伴侣 glad a. 高兴的 ...

8.指女朋友 ... Get in the car. 说乘电车(公共汽车)时,用 girlfriend 指女朋友、恋人。 excitable 意为容易激动的、容易兴奋 …


1.My girlfriend and I had been living together for a dozen years, and those findings seemed so clear to me that I went home and proposed.我和女朋友已经一起生活了十几年,而这些研究结果似乎很明确,所以我回家之后提了一个建议。

2.I tell you, if I could leave I would like to be your girlfriend, you say you marry me, willing to take me.我对你说如果我能留下我愿意做你女朋友,你说你愿意和我结婚,愿意取我。

3.Once a time, my mood is bad, because my girlfriend broke up with me. She said that she had been tired and needed more freedom.曾有一段时间,我的心情很差,因为相处五年的女友和我分手。理由她厌了,还她自由。

4.His girlfriend, Kelly Bauman, said he was "convulsing, snorting, trying to breathe. "他的女朋友凯莉•鲍曼说,他当时一边抽搐一边喘着粗气。

5.He had a cell phone, which he charged with a small solar generator and used to call his family and his girlfriend.他有一部用来和他的家人以及女友通话的手机,以及一台可以为手机充电的小型太阳能发电机。

6.He tells that girl he has no girlfriend which he want to someone can accompany him in the company.他告诉那个女孩子他没有女朋友,他想在公司有个人能陪他。

7.Neither does Mum. She had a girlfriend for a while, but she got over her.妈妈也没有。有一阵她有个女朋友,后来分手了。

8.I feel a thorough, But let me the most sad thing, just a few days, you do not-for-you girlfriend.我是如此的彻底,但是让我伤心的是就在几天前,你有了新的女友。

9.How much do you really know about your best friend, roommate, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover, spouse, etc. ? This game will tell you!多少钱你真的了解你最好的朋友,室友,女朋友,男朋友,情人,配偶等?此游戏会告诉你!

10.When my elder brother brought his girlfriend round to meet all the family, he gave a broad hint that they were to become engaged quite soon.我哥哥把她的女朋友带来同全家人见面,那清楚地暗示了他们不久就将订婚。