美式发音: [ˈɡɜrlˌhʊd] 英式发音: [ˈɡɜː(r)lhʊd]n.少女时代;少女时期
girlhoodn.1.少女时期;少女时代;少女the time when sb is a girl; the fact of being a girl
n.1.the period of time when a woman is a girl
1.少女时代 girl 少女→ girlhood 少女时代 boy 男孩→ ...
2.少女时期 boyhood 少年时代 girlhood 少女时期 widowhood 守寡,孀居 ...
3.少女身份 ... livelihood 生计, 谋生 girlhood 少女时代, 少女身份 manhood 成年 ...
4.姑娘时代 n. 独身女子 girlhood 少女身分; 姑娘时代 n. 评论| ...
5.少女身分 n. 独身女子 girlhood 少女身分; 姑娘时代 n. 评论| ...
6.少女期 天赋特征 native characteristic 少女期 girlhood 少年期 boyhood ...
7.纯真花样少女 ... 少女逃学惊魂 -( High School Sneak Out) 纯真花样少女 -( Girlhood) 可爱美少女战士 -( Gabbie) ...
造句带翻译释义:,少女时代,少女时期,少女身份,姑娘时代,少女身分1.But he was still dizzy with the glimpse of the precipice they had skirted, and full of a new awe at the mystery of young-girlhood.然而他仍然被他们刚刚避开的险情弄得头晕目眩,并且对年轻姑娘的神秘性充满一种新的敬畏。
2.On one of her solitary girlhood walks, she once found herself accompanied by a lightning ball.当还是个女孩时,有次只身行走她发现有个闪电球一直紧随左右。
3.A world-changing book for me was Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior, subtitled "Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. "汤亭亭的《女勇士》(副标题为“女孩在鬼怪中的成长史”)一书改变了我的世界。
4.The transformation from girlhood to womanhood is quite marvellous.有女孩转变成女人的过程是很奇妙的。
5.All they had to do was devote their lives from earliest girlhood to finding a husband and bearing children.她们所要做的就是把她们的生活从小女孩变成寻找一个好丈夫和哺育她的孩子。
6.Since most women's lives centered on their homes, their warmest relations with other women often went back to their girlhood.由于多数妇女都以家为生活中心,与她们关系最好的女友往往可以追溯回少女时代。
7.When in girlhood my heart was opening its petals, you hovered as a fragrance about it.少女时代,我的心如花瓣儿张开,你就像它散发出的花香。
8.From April to October is the best season for tourists. Greece was my dream place when I was in girlhood.每年四月到十月是旅游旺季,那是我少女时代梦想的爱情目的地。
9.When in girlhood my heart was opening its pedals, you hovered as fragrance about it.当我少女时代情窦初开时,你的芬芳就缭绕在我的心房。
10.and the thread which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken . . . . . .而那些把她和少女时代以及故乡轻轻系住的柔丝,不得不就此断绝了。