give a big hand
1.热烈鼓掌欢迎 ... broken English 不标准的英语 give a big hand 热烈鼓掌欢迎 carry the house 博得全场喝彩 ...
2.热烈地鼓掌欢迎 ... Catch me ! 我可不会再干那样的事了 Give a big hand 热烈地鼓掌欢迎 Break a leg ! 祝你好运! ...
3.一组鼓掌祝贺 ... Gift of the gab 口才 Give a big hand 帮助某人 Give a dog a bad name 一朝坏名声十年洗不清 ...
5.帮忙 give a big hand 帮忙 go on all fours 象婴孩一样四脚爬行 ...
造句带翻译释义:,热烈鼓掌欢迎,热烈地鼓掌欢迎,一组鼓掌祝贺1.Should we give a big hand to each beauty contestant as she is introduced, or should we wait until all the introductions are finished?到底我们是应该在每位选美佳丽被介绍出来时鼓掌,还是等全部都介绍完了再拍手?
2.The participating members give a big hand to the 3 newly-selected vice chairmen of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee.与会的省政协委员们鼓掌祝贺3位新当选的省政协副主席。
3.Bravo, Mr. Bear! That was great! Next is Miss Rabbit. Give a big hand for Miss Rabbit.太棒了,熊先生!真是太精彩了!下面有请兔子小姐。让我们为兔子小姐热烈鼓掌。
4.Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hand to our special guests tonight.女士们,先生们,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾。
5.Let's give a big hand to our special guest, Mr.让我们热烈鼓掌欢迎我们的特别来宾,雷根先生!
6.may i ask you to give a big hand to mr . in - seo kim我能要求你们为金仁瑞鼓掌吗?