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give a boost


1.Vice President Joe Biden is in the state of Iowa Friday, hoping to give a boost to the campaign of a two-term congressman.副总统拜登星期五在爱荷华州,希望能对一个已任两届的国会议员争取支持。

2.We believe that this meeting will give a boost to China-India economic cooperation and exchanges.我们相信,这次会议必将对促进中印经济合作和交流产生积极作用。

3.You will learn what you can do to give a boost to the law of attraction and quickly get what you want.看看下面的文章,你就会了解我们需要怎样进一步深入解读这个吸引法则,并迅速有所收获。

4.Still, a number of specific skin treats are more likely than others to give a boost of glowing good health to your complexion.但是,相比较下,有些特殊的食物很可能在促进肌肤健康方面更胜一筹。

5.Whether or not an organization appears calling itself Al Qaeda in Palestine, the attacks will give a boost to jihadism in general.无论巴勒斯坦的基地组织是否重组,总之这场战争都将会给予圣战分子动力。

6.It could also give a boost to the big privatisation programme that the government is planning, to help cut its crippling debt burden.它将有助于政府开展起为了减少其沉重债务负担而推出的庞大私有化项目。

7.The parade, part of the EuroPride gay rights festival, is meant to give a boost to the fledgling gay rights movement in Poland.游行作为EuroPride同性恋权利节日的一部分,被认为促进了波兰刚兴起的同性恋权利运动。

8.A new, three-year $750 million stock repurchase plan should also give a boost to the company's shares.一项新的3年7.5亿美元的回赎股票计划也提升了公司的股价。

9.This is the perfect economic climate to introduce such a large scale project, which will give a boost to both parties involved.值此宏观经济背景下引入如此宏大的工程,应是最佳时间点,因为对投资双方都带来极大好处。

10.Entry would also give a boost to the sport's international profile and provide fresh sources of funding for training and facilities.成为奥运会正式比赛项目还会提高武术的国际知名度,为培训和设施提供新的资金来源。