give a call
1.给……打电话 088. get up ① 起床②起立 090. give a call 给……打电话 091. give back 归还;送回 ...
2.给某人打电话 ... slow down: 放慢速度 give a call: 给某人打电话 coincidence: 巧合 ...
3.给我电话 MY prerogative 特权 Give a call 给我电话 ... 大主教 archbishop;primate ...
4.电话情缘 ... 14.I WANT IT THAT WAY/ 我想要那样 15.GIVE A CALL/ 电话情缘 16.TAKE ME TO YOUR HEART/ 靠近 …
5.到时候叫一下因为不是终点站,所以最好跟司机打个招呼,让他到时候叫一下(“give a call”),坐的也离司机近一点。下车后就能看到海湾…
造句带翻译释义:,给……打电话,给某人打电话,给我电话1.Kevin did not tell me too much, this day, our unusual silence, until the evening, I give a call.阿文没有跟我说太多话,这一天,我们异常的沉默,直到晚上,我给阿文打了个电话。
2.If you're unexpectedly delayed, give a call to ask whether a later time is OK or if the employer would like to rearrange.如果因意外而迟到,可以先打个电话给对方,询问是否可以迟一点跟你面试,还是对方希望另外约一个时间。
3.If the automated tools can't help, then give a call to the organization's staff employment or personnel department.如果自动的工具没什么用,给公司的招聘或者人事部门的员工打电话吧。
4.Thinking of the gentle and warm moonlight, I give a call to my family immediately.想到温暖柔和的月光,我立刻给家里打了个电话。
5.give . . . a call They were giving their teacher a call when I got there.我到那时,他们正在给他们的老师打电话。
6.I'm not sure. Let me give a call to find out.我不清楚。让我来打个电话问一问。
7.give . . . a call Which number should be dialed?给某人大电话拨什么号
8.I'm lost. Could you help me give a call to my tour guide?我迷路了,您能帮我打个电话给我的导游吗?
9.Boss: : Tracy, give a call to Roy in the US headquarters.特蕾西,打个电话给美国总部的罗伊。
10.You should give a call to your wife and your family.(英文)你应该给你的老婆和家人打个德律风。