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give a hand是什么意思_怎么读

give a hand

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1.帮助 give a birth to a baby 生小孩 give a hand 帮助 give a promise 许下诺言 ...

2.帮忙 be bound to +V. 一定 give a hand 帮忙 content adj. 满足的 ...

3.提供帮助 31 Get out of hand 失去控制 32 Give a hand 提供帮助 33 Learn by heart 牢记 ...

4.给予帮助 give back 归还 give a hand 给予帮助 give up 放弃 ...

5.搭手 搭腔[ answer;respond] 搭手[ give a hand] 搭售[ sold with aged goods] ...

6.帮助某人 get together 聚集;会面;装配 give a hand 帮助某人 give expression to 表达出, ...

7.在别人需要时及时帮一把 [set up] 支起[棚、架等] [give a hand] 在别人需要时及时帮一把 [sold with aged goods] 搭卖 ...

8.给……帮助 give way to 让位于 give a hand 给……帮助 go out of one's way to do 特地,不怕麻烦 ...


1.Let me give a hand to gently places her Fukai of a pre-Chu short hair, hold her chin, she was very careful to look at her eyes.再举起手来,轻轻的拂开她额前的一儊短发,托起她的下巴,她很仔细地看她的眼睛。

2.Uncle Gen stepped up to give a hand, but he was chased out right at the moment since he was nothing but a loafer in people's eyes.根叔自告奋勇说帮忙,旁人一看是吊儿郎当的根叔,就把他往外赶。

3.Rovers boss Mark Hughes was disappointed the officials did not give a hand ball in the lead-up to Kalou's goal.布莱克本流浪者足球俱乐部梅克·休斯对导致卡卢进球的传球未被裁判判为手球而感到不满。

4.Let me give a hand to let the world filled with love and let life everywhere full of truth, goodness and beauty of flowers.让你我伸出温暖之手,让世界充满爱,让生活中处处开满真、善、美的鲜花。

5.Manager: Great, if any trouble you meet in your work, welcome to ask to ask me to give a hand, hope I can give you some ideas.经理:那好吧,以后有问题再随时向我提出来,希望能帮到你。

6.How I feel many at the moment, I'll thank all the people who helped me. So, I have always been willing to give a hand to anyone who asked.此时此刻我的感受很多,我感谢所有帮助过我的人,所以,我总是乐意帮助任何有求于我的人。

7.but you were never too busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand.但是,你不曾忙到不能帮助解决问题或者只是帮一下忙

8.If he saw a trucker in difficulty, he would just bog in and give a hand.如果他看到一个货运汽车司机有困难的话,他会非常热情地给予帮助。

9.Sam's three children had always been expected to give a hand when they were not in school or doing their homework.桑姆的三个孩子如果不上学或不做作业,大人就总指望他们帮着干一点。

10.You are wrong. The manger is ready to give a hand at any time.你错了,经理很愿意随时帮忙的。