give forth
美式发音: 英式发音:na.发出(气味,声音等);公布
v.hatch,emerge,produce,break open,come out
1.发表 give for 牺牲; 交换 give forth 发[放]出(声音, 气味等) 发表, 公布 give into 通向 ...
2.发出 give for 牺牲; 交换 give forth 发[放]出(声音, 气味等) 发表, 公布 give into 通向 ...
3.公布 give for 牺牲; 交换 give forth 发[放]出(声音, 气味等) 发表, 公布 give into 通向 ...
4.发出,放出 give ear to 侧耳倾听 give forth 发出,放出;发表 give in 屈服,让步,投降 ...
5.前发 bring forth 带来 give forth 前发 put forth 提出 ...
造句带翻译释义:,发出,公布,发表,放出,前发1.There is an acceptance between us that we give forth that which we find most appropriate to speak of .这就是我们之间的接纳,我们给予那些认为最适合提出的问题。
2.and studies themselves do give forth direction too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.然而学习本身如若不由实践去约束,必然方向纷杂而漫无目的。
3.To give forth a clear, resonant sound.鸣,响:发出清晰响亮的声音。
4.The fields give forth an odour of spring.田野散发出春天的气息。
5.To utter or give forth with a deep, resonant sound以低沉而有回响的声音发出:
6.To give forth or produce:放出,制造;生产:
7.To make or give forth a sound:作声,发声制造或发出声响: