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give expression是什么意思_怎么读

give expression


1.If your parents accepted you advices , you should give expression of your appreciation, and promise that you won't let them down. his wife.如果父母接受了你的提议,应表示感谢,并保证你不会让他们失望。

2.At last he found a proper way to give expression to his gratitude.最终他找到了适当的方式表达了自己的感激之情。

3.A one-sided proposition therefore can never even give expression to a speculative truth.因此,思辨的真理也是决不能用片面的命题去表述的。

4.Although it records the real image incompletely, this insouciant shooting manner can give expression to my deserted and disorder heart.仅管它不完全是对实物的记录,但这种漫不经心的拍摄方式更能表达我荒芜凌乱的内心。

5.In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind.首先,经常发生这样的事,我们很难找到恰如其分的词或短语来表达我们的思想。

6.She was lively, beauty, sweet, candor, strong and independent image which it can just right give expression to Lchear bands feature.李湘,她那活泼俏丽,甜美直率,坚强而又独立的形象恰好能体现蕾琪品牌的特点;

7.Dong villages are the carriers of the spiritual home and material home, but also give expression to folk cultural space.侗族村寨是侗族人民精神和物质家园的载体,是民俗文化空间和实体的体现。

8.Give expression to the noble desires that lie in your heart.把藏在你心得的美好愿望表达出来。

9.Then, when you say, 'I must give expression to myself', what is the thing you are expressing?那么,当你说,“我必须表达给我自己”,你所表达的东西是什么呢?

10.Many laws try to promote the virtue of citizens or try to give expression to the moral values of the society as a whole.许多法律试图鼓励公民培养某些道德,或体现整体社会的道德价值观。自由主义说,这也是侵犯自由权的。