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give five是什么意思_怎么读

give five



1.击掌表示友好 7. I want to kick their ass. 我要痛扁他们。 8. give five 击掌表示友好 9. I’m gonna find some back up! 我要去“落”人。 ...

2.结婚纪念日一样耶  水水我们的结婚纪念日一样耶(give five)  我完成的部份跟你差不多(喜帖 归宁的新秘除外)   现在的我有空就开始上网搜集一些资料 …


1.Give five words to every group, let them make a composition together in three minutes, then one of them read it out.老师给每组同学五个单词,让他们在三分钟内编成短文,其中一人读出来,语句通顺,无重大语法错误者得分。

2.His unwillingness to give five minutes of his time proves that he is disinterested in finding a solution to the problem.他连自己的五分钟时间都不愿拿出,证明他对这一个解决问题的方法不感兴趣。

3.During this time, they will give five performances.在此期间,他们将演出五场。

4.Give five performances as usual.演出五场。

5.They will give five performances.他们将表演五场。

6.I am also going to give five gifts.我也要带上五份礼物。

7.give five examples of living things that inhabit extreme environments给五个例子外的生活居住极端环境